Endless Legend Wiki
Wayra Sigo
Wayra Sigo
FactionIconSmall Faction WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
UnitSmall Unit Type Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74
AttackIcon Attack 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16
SpeedIcon Speed 4
DefenseIcon Defense 28
DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 3


Born to a splinter Wild Walker community who set up home in the evergreen forests of the White Mountains, Wayra settled under the wing of an adept shaman who taught him how to commune with the spirits of the wild. One especially ferocious winter pushed the community back south, whereupon Wayra was recognised as a potential leader by a high-ranking Wild Walker shaman. Now Wayra walks Auriga, offering his wisdom to any who will listen.

Skill Tree[]

Wild Walkers Skill Tree[]


Wild Walkers skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 FunctioningInsomniac Functioning Insomniac Level 1: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
Level 2: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
2 WoodlandForager Woodland Forager Level 1: +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with forest. City
3 NaturalResources Natural Resources Level 1: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +10 IndustrySmall on city.
4 BehemothTamer Behemoth Tamer Level 1: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
Level 2: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
4 LivingWalls Living Walls Level 1: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 2: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 3: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
5 NaturalArchitect Natural Architect Level 1: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +15% IndustrySmall on city.

Ranged Skill Tree[]


Ranged skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AgileMover Agile Mover Level 1: +1 SpeedIcon movement on units.
Level 2: +1 SpeedIcon movement on units.
2 Farsighted Farsighted Level 1: +1 vision on army. Army
3 SpareQuiver Spare Quiver Level 1: +1 extra accessory slot on hero. Army
4 StaggeredBlows Staggered Blows Level 1: +12 AttackIcon attack on units.
Level 2: +12 AttackIcon attack on units.
Level 3: +26 AttackIconattack on units.
4 PerfectlyBalanced Perfectly Balanced Level 1: +1 Range in battle on ranged units. Army
5 ArtisansEye Artisan's Eye Level 1: +15 DamageIcon Damage on units.
Level 2: +10% DamageIcon Damage on units.
Level 3: +10% DamageIcon Damage on units.

Common Skill Tree[]


Common skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 IndianaBones Indiana Bones Level 1: Reduces by 10% the odds to loot nothing after a search on ruins. Increases by 5% the odds to get loot or an event.
Level 2: Reduces by 10% the odds to loot nothing after a search on ruins. Increases by 5% the odds to get loot or an event.
2 NoIdleHands No Idle Hands Level 1: +1 XP per turn on units.
Level 2: +1 XP per turn on units.
Level 3: +1 XP per turn on units.
2 FastHealer Fast Healer Level 1: x2 recovery speed from the "Disabled" state on hero, -20% cost of the instant heal on hero.
Level 2: x2 recovery speed from the "Disabled" state on hero, -40% cost of the instant heal on hero.
3 SiegeMentality Siege Mentality Level 1: +15% Attack on units when being involved in a siege.
Level 2: +15% Attack on units when being involved in a siege.
3 LordoftheTrance Lord of the Trance Level 1: +5 InfiltrationSmall on infiltrated Hero.
Level 2: +5 InfiltrationSmall on infiltrated Hero.
3 Defender Defender Level 1: +50 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
Level 2: +50 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
Level 3: +100 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
4 Thrifty Thrifty Level 1: -20% DustSmall on military upkeep.
Level 2: -20% DustSmall on military upkeep.
4 FaceReader Face Reader Level 1: +15 security SecuritySmall on city.
Level 2: +15 security SecuritySmall on city.
4 InspirationalLeader Inspirational Leader Level 1: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +10% FoodSmall on city, +10% IndustrySmall on city, +10% ScienceSmall on city, +10% DustSmall on city.
5 ColdOperator Cold Operator Level 1: No negative effects from winter. Any


Icon Name Effect
AbilityRangedSmall Range Attack range of 3 tiles.
-1 morale Morale per adjacent enemy.
ForestRage Forest Rage +50% Attack AttackIcon on forest tiles.
Fast1 Fast 1 +1 battle movement BattleSpeedSmall.
AbilityLastStandSmall Last Stand Comes back to life if any unit of its army is alive at the end of battle.
AbilityFoodBoost2Small Food Boost 2 +4 Food FoodSmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Food FoodSmall per hero's level on city.
AbilityIndustryBoost3Small Industry Boost 3 +6 Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
Spying2 Spying 2 Can infiltrate visible cities of other empires.
+6 Infiltration Point InfiltrationSmall per turn TurnSmall.
+4 XP per turn TurnSmall when infiltrated.
-50% DustSmall on Hero Upkeep when infiltrated.

Equipment Slots[]


