Endless Legend Wiki

There are nine different possible ways to achieve victory in Endless Legend. Some of the conditions are modified by the map size and game speed. The ninth (Quest) was added in the Eye on the Stars update.


Upon completing the final chapter of their Faction Quest, every faction unlocks the ability to build the Temple of the Earth's Core. The first faction to complete this construction wins a Wonder victory. This victory is most easily achieved by the WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers.

Temple of the Earth's Core
Faction: FactionIconSmall All
Obtained: QuestIcon Faction Quest
Type: Improvement City Improvement
Focus: VictorySmall Victory

36000 IndustrySmall
40 Mithrite Color 256x256
40 Hyperium Color 256x256

Temple of the Earth's Core It is a building and an energy source and a processing center; a fusion of Dust and matter that transcends any existing knowledge. By reactivating this long-dorment temple of the Concrete Endless, a faction can secure the future of their planet - and at the same time be humbled by the vast gulf of ignorance that separates them from the long-lost masters who first built this marvel.


Triggers the Wonder Victory once built
Limited to one copy in your empire


After the Faction questline is complete, a Victory Quest line begins. This five-part quest involves finding and repairing a crashed spaceship so that your faction can leave Auriga. This victory type is also considered the canon ending of Endless Legend, with the Vaulters having rebuilt the Argosy and left. This victory is most easily achieved by the AllayiIcon Allayi.


This victory is achieved by a faction possessing more than 80% of the regions in the world. This victory is unachievable for the CultistsIcon Cultists or MykaraSmall Mykara, as they are unable to produce settlers and therefore found new cities due to their "High Seat of the Queen" and "Creeping Presence" faction affinity, respectively. This victory is most easily achieved by the BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords, MorgawrSmall Morgawr, and KapakuIcon Kapaku.


This victory will be given to the last faction that controls their original capital city. Note that the winning faction does not necessarily need to conquer other capitals itself. This victory is most easily achieved by the CultistsIcon Cultists, ForgottenIcon Forgotten, and MykaraSmall Mykara.


This victory is given to the last remaining faction, when all other factions are completely eliminated. Usually a Supremacy or Expansion victory is achieved first if they are not disabled at the game start, and a Shared victory cannot be achieved simultaneously since this victory type requires that all other factions be killed off, even those the victory might have an alliance with. This victory is most easily achieved by the NecrophagesIcon Necrophages.


This victory is given to the first faction that researches 5 out of the 6 technologies in research era VI. This victory is most easily achieved by the VaultersIcon Vaulters and ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages. The technologies that apply to this victory type are as follows:

Difference Engine
Faction: FactionIconSmall All except Forgotten
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: ScienceandIndustry Science and Industry
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: ScienceSmall Science
Difference Engine An enormous mechanical calculator, the product of genius and extremely precise engineering, this machine will execute mathematical computations of unimaginable complexity. Mysteries of physics, alchemy, fluids, the climate, and time shall slowly be unraveled.


+100% ScienceSmall (+80% ScienceSmall with ELCP) on cities
Counted for the Scientific Victory

Dust-Driven Distillery
Faction: FactionIconSmall All
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: EconomyandPopulationSmall Economy and Population
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: DustSmall Dust
Dust-Driven Distillery This marvel of magical engineering accretes and stores Dust. A self-perpetuating engine of wealth creation, it increases the amount of Dust generated per unit of population.


+100% DustSmall on cities
Counted for the Scientific Victory

Endless Alloys
Faction: FactionIconSmall All
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: ScienceandIndustry Science and Industry
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: IndustrySmall Industry
Endless Alloys So many ruins, so many secrets, so many hints... And finally enlightenment. Industrial alchemists have unlocked the mysteries of the wondrous metal alloys created by the Endless; from now on materials of unimaginable precision, strength, and lightness will be available for your empire's projects


+100% IndustrySmall on cities
Counted for the Scientific Victory

Self-Driving Plows
Faction: FactionIconSmall All except Broken Lords
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: EconomyandPopulationSmall Economy and Population
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: FoodSmall Food
Self-Driving Plows Driven by steam, sun, and Dust, these wonders can be ordered to plow a fixed area with a few mechanical settings. Attachments allowing them to seed, reap, and rake guarantee a stunning increase in productivity.


+100% FoodSmall on cities
Counted for the Scientific Victory

Serum of Iteru
Faction: FactionIconSmall All
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: MilitaryIcon Military
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Serum of Iteru From what lost ruin, from what ancient texts was this magical thing discovered? Many rise to claim the honor, but that is unimportant. What matters is that this magical serum, allowing a glimpse of Endless biotechnology, turns ordinary soldiers into extraordinary beings.


+100% Life LifeIcon on units (+50% with ELCP)
+100% Damage DamageIcon on units (+50% with ELCP)
Counted for the Scientific Victory

United Empires Council
Faction: FactionIconSmall All
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era VI
Category: EmpireandExpansionSmall Empire and Expansion
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: InfluenceIcon Influence
United Empires Council This is more than a glorious auditorium where the great minds of the day can discuss and resolve important issues. It is a symbol of the power and prestige of your empire, and a beacon of hope in the dark days to come.


+100% InfluenceIcon on cities
Counted for the Scientific Victory


This victory is achieved by the first faction that accumulates a certain total amount of DustSmall Dust over the entirety of the game. This does not mean that the given amount of Dust must be in the faction's possession at once, but rather that the faction has produced that much dust over the course of the entire game. The amount required for victory is dependent on the map size and game speed as shown in the table below. This victory is most easily achieved by the RovingClansIcon Roving Clans and BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords.

Dust DustSmall Required for Economic Victory:
Speed: Map Size:
Tiny Small Normal Large Huge
Fast 124,988 187,481 249,975 349,965 449,955
Normal 277,750 416,625 555,500 777,700 999,900
Slow 472,175 708,263 944,350 1,322,090 1,699,830
Endless 777,700 1,166,550 1,555,400 2,177,560 2,799,720
with ELCP (needs confirmation):
Speed: Map Size:
Tiny Small Normal Large Huge
Fast 174,825 262,238 349,650 454,545 559,440
Normal 388,500 582,750 777,000 1,010,100 1,243,200
Slow 660,450 990,675 1,320,900 1,717,170 2,113,440
Endless 1,087,800 1,631,700 2,175,600 2,828,280 3,480,960


This victory is achieved by the first faction that accumulates a certain total amount of DiplomacyPointIcon Diplomatic Points over the entirety of the game. Diplomatic Points are gained by diplomatic interactions with other empires. Negotiating treaties or trades will give a lump-sum amount of Diplomatic Points equal to approximately 20% (7,5% with ELCP) of the Influence InfluenceIcon spent by you in the negotiation. One-sided declarations such as warning/compliment, force peace, war, as well as declaration of war in a trade, do not provide any points. Diplomatic Points are also gained over time based on your diplomatic status with other empires: 4 DiplomacyPointIcon/TurnSmall (8 with ELCP) in Alliance, 2 DiplomacyPointIcon/TurnSmall (3 with ELCP) in Peace, and 1 DiplomacyPointIcon/TurnSmall otherwise. The amount required for victory is dependent on the map size and game speed as shown in the table below. This victory is most easily achieved by the DrakkenIcon Drakken.

Diplomatic Points Required for Diplomatic Victory:
Speed: Map Size:
Tiny Small Normal Large Huge
Fast 675 1,013 1,350 1,890 2,430
Normal 1,500 2,250 3,000 4,200 5,400
Slow 2,550 3,825 5,100 7,140 9,180
Endless 4,200 6,300 8,400 11,760 15,120

ELCP balance changes[]

With ELCP most diplomatic treaties no longer generate lump-sum amount of Diplomatic Points  for the Diplomatic Victory except for the following:

  • Technology trade
  • City trade
  • Fortresses trade
  • Market Ban Removal
  • Black Spot Removal
  • Prisoner Exchange

This change was made to prevent a common method of achieving Diplomatic Victory via tons of basically worthless resource exchanges, which was not engaging gameplay. Next to Alliances the main way of gaining Diplomatic Points  is tech trading. Note that with ELCP default settings, tech trades can get quite expensive and therefore net many Diplomatic Points .

ELCP ruleset[]

With the ELCP, there is a new ruleset for how Diplomatic Points  accumulate from Diplomatic Treaty with another empire (not making a Declaration). Diplomatic points  gained from Diplomatic Relationships are unaffected by this change.

Instead of immediatly gaining Diplomatic Points  from treaties, they are now stored in a Buffer instead. Each turn a fixed amount of Diplomatic Points  are transferred from this Buffer to the player's account. This effectively makes "from 0 to 100" Diplomatic Victories impossible. The default transfer-limit per turn is 30 , it is influenced by game speed, map size and also can be altered by the "Diplomatic Point Gain" multipliers (United Empires Council tech, Advanced Winter effects). Buffer and transfered amount are displayed in a new info panel in the lower left of the diplomacy screen.

This ruleset is active by default and can be deactivated in the pregame menu (Advanced Game Settings - ELCP Settings - Diplomatic Point Ruleset).


This victory will be given to the faction with the highest score after a fixed number of turns. The number of turns needed to reach this point is shown on the first table, and the factors that contribute to your point total - and how much they contribute - are shown on the second table.

Game speed Number of turns
Fast 150
Normal 300
Slow 450
Endless 600
Score Per total number of
5 Cities
1 City Improvements built
3 Population units
2 Level 1 Districts
5 Level 2 Districts
10 Level 3 Districts
5 Completed Technologies
2 Level of all units
5 Level of all heroes