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Endless Legend Wiki
Verda's Temple (Technology)
Verda's Temple (Technology)
Faction ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Obtained QuestIcon Faction Quest
Category ScienceandIndustry Science and Industry
Type Improvement City Improvement
Focus ScienceSmall Science
Unlocks Verda's Temple for construction on cities
With ELCP: +1 Arcana level for all Spells on Empire

An Era II technology exclusive to the Ardent Mages which unlocks the construction of Verda's Temple on cities. It is unlocked by completing Chapter 5 Part 2 of the Ardent Mages faction quest.


If you play with the Endless Legend Community Patch, there are some changes for smooth out the Spells progression.

  • Secrets of the Virtuals: +2 Arcana level for all Spells effect removed.
  • Verda's Temple: +1 Arcana level for all Spells effect added (Chapter 4 of the faction quest).
  • Sacrificial Amplifiers: +1 Arcana level for all Spells effect added (Era V tech).


The subtleties of Dust are numerous and easy to overlook. Only through its methodical study will its secrets be discovered. This temple, replete with terrifying contraptions, will aid that endeavor.
