Endless Legend Wiki

The skill tree is split into three branches for every hero: Common, Class, and Faction. These branches are positioned at the center, left, and right of the skill tree, respectively. While the branches are separate, there are connections between them, but these connections vary between combinations of branches.

There are also four different types of skills available on the skill tree: Army, City, Spy, and Any. Army skills are ones that are most useful for a hero leading an army, as they provide attribute bonuses to the hero and army as a whole, special abilities in combat, and other effects. City skills are generally meant for a hero that is assigned as governor of a city, and most often provide bonuses to a city's FIDSI output. Spy skills are relatively rare, but aid heroes infiltrated on other cities by allowing them to perform infiltration actions faster or avoid capture. Any skills are skills that can benefit the hero regardless of where they are assigned, such as reduced assignment cooldown or less time spent healing in the Academy.

The Class branch is based on the unit class of the hero (Infantry, Ranged, Support, Flying or Cavalry) and is comprised exclusively of Army skills. The Common branch is available to all heroes, regardless of faction or class, and contains at least one of the four types of skills. The Faction branch is based on the faction of the hero, and often City skills, but can also be focused towards another specific role, such as Espionage for the Forgotten or naval combat for the Morgawr.

Hero Classes[]

Because all heroes of the same faction have the same unit type, they will also share the same Class branch. As such, the different factions are listed below based on their heroes' classes.

Infantry Infantry: Broken Lords, Necrophages, Cultists, Forgotten, Sisters Of Mercy

Cavalry Cavalry: Kapaku

Flying Flying: Haunts

Ranged Ranged: Wild Walkers, Vaulters, Roving Clans, Allayi

Support Support: Ardent Mages, Drakken, Morgawr

The only exception to this rule is the Mezari, who have two Ranged heroes (Avara Lasmak, Commander Irjsko Lasmak), and one Infantry (Sable Deceiver Bayari Kulaa), as a result of their heroes being based on the designs of other factions.

Common Branch[]

Common Skill Tree[]


Common skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 IndianaBones Indiana Bones Level 1: Reduces by 10% the odds to loot nothing after a search on ruins. Increases by 5% the odds to get loot or an event.
Level 2: Reduces by 10% the odds to loot nothing after a search on ruins. Increases by 5% the odds to get loot or an event.
2 NoIdleHands No Idle Hands Level 1: +1 XP per turn on units.
Level 2: +1 XP per turn on units.
Level 3: +1 XP per turn on units.
2 FastHealer Fast Healer Level 1: x2 recovery speed from the "Disabled" state on hero, -20% cost of the instant heal on hero.
Level 2: x2 recovery speed from the "Disabled" state on hero, -40% cost of the instant heal on hero.
3 SiegeMentality Siege Mentality Level 1: +15% Attack on units when being involved in a siege.
Level 2: +15% Attack on units when being involved in a siege.
3 LordoftheTrance Lord of the Trance Level 1: +5 InfiltrationSmall on infiltrated Hero.
Level 2: +5 InfiltrationSmall on infiltrated Hero.
3 Defender Defender Level 1: +50 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
Level 2: +50 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
Level 3: +100 Fortification FortificationSmall on city.
4 Thrifty Thrifty Level 1: -20% DustSmall on military upkeep.
Level 2: -20% DustSmall on military upkeep.
4 FaceReader Face Reader Level 1: +15 security SecuritySmall on city.
Level 2: +15 security SecuritySmall on city.
4 InspirationalLeader Inspirational Leader Level 1: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +10% FoodSmall on city, +10% IndustrySmall on city, +10% ScienceSmall on city, +10% DustSmall on city.
5 ColdOperator Cold Operator Level 1: No negative effects from winter. Any

Class Branches[]

Ranged Skill Tree[]


Ranged skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AgileMover Agile Mover Level 1: +1 SpeedIcon movement on units.
Level 2: +1 SpeedIcon movement on units.
2 Farsighted Farsighted Level 1: +1 vision on army. Army
3 SpareQuiver Spare Quiver Level 1: +1 extra accessory slot on hero. Army
4 StaggeredBlows Staggered Blows Level 1: +12 AttackIcon attack on units.
Level 2: +12 AttackIcon attack on units.
Level 3: +26 AttackIconattack on units.
4 PerfectlyBalanced Perfectly Balanced Level 1: +1 Range in battle on ranged units. Army
5 ArtisansEye Artisan's Eye Level 1: +15 DamageIcon Damage on units.
Level 2: +10% DamageIcon Damage on units.
Level 3: +10% DamageIcon Damage on units.

Infantry Skill Tree[]


Infantry skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 StrengthoftheWild Strength of the Wild Level 1: +10 defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 2: +10 defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20% defense DefenseIcon on hero.
2 IronTaskmaster Iron Taskmaster Level 1: +25 Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 2: +25 Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 3: +50 Life LifeIcon on units.
3 ArmorEngineer Armor Engineer Level 1: +1 Extra accessory slot on hero. Army
4 GarbofBattle Garb of Battle Level 1: +5 defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +10 defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +10 defense DefenseIcon on units.
4 RallyingCall Rallying Call Level 1: +2 Reinforcement positions on army. Army
5 IceintheVeins Ice in the Veins Level 1: Immunity to the movement reduction due to winter on army.
Immunity to the attribute reduction due to winter on army.
Level 2: +20% Defense DefenseIcon on hero.

Support Skill Tree[]


Support skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 DefensiveTactician Defensive Tactician Level 1: +5 defenseDefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +5 defenseDefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +15% defenseDefenseIcon on units.
2 KeenObserver Keen Observer Level 1: +1 Reinforcement position on army.
Level 2: +1 Reinforcement position on army.
3 BattleHymn Battle Hymn Level 1: +6 attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +8 attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 3: +15% attack AttackIcon on units.
3 PracticedStrike Practiced Strike Level 1: +5 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
Level 2: +7 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
Level 3: +15% Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
4 LastReserves Last Reserves Level 1: +30 Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 2: +30 Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 3: +15% Life LifeIcon on units.
5 ArmorErgonomics Armor Ergonomics Level 1: +1 Extra accessory slot on hero. Army

Flying Skill Tree[]


Flying skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 PracticedStrike Practiced Strike Level 1: +5 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
Level 2: +7 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
Level 3: +15% Initiative InitiativeIcon on units.
2 FlightMaster Flight Master Level 1: +2 SpeedIcon on flying unit.
Level 2: +2 SpeedIcon on flying unit.
3 StrikeFromAbove Strike from Above Level 1: +5 Damage DamageIcon on hero.
Level 2: +7 Damage DamageIcon on hero.
Level 3: +15% Damage DamageIcon on hero.
3 AerialView Aerial View Level 1: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 2: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 3: +4 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
4 ArmorErgonomics Armor Ergonomics Level 1: +1 Extra accessory slot on hero. Any
5 BattlePerspective Battle Perspective Level 1: +5 Damage DamageIcon on units.
Level 2: +10 Damage DamageIcon on units.
Level 3: +15 Damage DamageIcon on units.

Cavalry Skill Tree[]


Cavalry skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 BattlefieldVantage Battlefield Vantage Level 1: +3 Attack AttackIcon on units
Level 2: +3 Attack AttackIcon on units
Level 3: +15% Attack AttackIcon on units
2 AgileMover Agile Mover Level 1: +1 SpeedIcon on units
Level 2: +1 SpeedIcon on units
3 SaddleUp Saddle Up Level 1: +1 Extra accessory slot on hero Army
4 PracticedStrike Practiced Strike Level 1: +5 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units
Level 2: +7 Initiative InitiativeIcon on units
Level 3: +15% Initiative InitiativeIcon on units
4 HighStrike High Strike Level 1: +5 Damage DamageIcon on hero
Level 2: +5 Damage DamageIcon on hero
Level 3: +15% Damage DamageIcon on hero
5 StirringDragoon Stirring Dragoon Level 1: +1 Morale Morale on units
Level 2: +1 Morale Morale on units

Faction Branches[]

Wild Walkers Skill Tree[]


Wild Walkers skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 FunctioningInsomniac Functioning Insomniac Level 1: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
Level 2: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
2 WoodlandForager Woodland Forager Level 1: +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with forest. City
3 NaturalResources Natural Resources Level 1: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +10 IndustrySmall on city.
4 BehemothTamer Behemoth Tamer Level 1: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
Level 2: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
4 LivingWalls Living Walls Level 1: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 2: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 3: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
5 NaturalArchitect Natural Architect Level 1: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +15% IndustrySmall on city.

Broken Lords Skill Tree[]


Broken Lords skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AquaticDust Aquatic Dust Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 2: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
2 DustDiviner Dust Diviner Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 3: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
2 DistributedDefenses Distributed Defenses Level 1: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
3 MiningAuthority Mining Authority Level 1: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
Level 2: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
Level 3: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
4 SiegeEngine Siege Engine Level 1: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 2: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 3: +4 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
5 DustTrickery Dust Trickery Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.

Vaulters Skill Tree[]


Vaulters skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AlchemicalGenius Alchemical Genius Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 2: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
2 EscapeArtist Escape Artist Level 1: Allows the hero to leave besieged cities. Any
2 ThickSkinned Thick Skinned Level 1: +15 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 2: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
3 SubterraneanNetworker Subterranean Networker Level 1: +4 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 ScienceSmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
Level 3: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
4 TunnelRat Tunnel Rat Level 1: No blockade penalty on FIDS City
5 MechanicalExhibitionist Mechanical Exhibitionist Level 1: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall per trade route. +100% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.

Necrophages Skill Tree[]


Necrophages skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 NecroticAgriculture Necrotic Agriculture Level 1: +8 FoodSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 FoodSmall on city.
Level 3: +14 FoodSmall on city.
2 SlaveDriver Slave Driver Level 1: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
3 RoadsidePicnic Roadside Picnic Level 1: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
Level 2: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
Level 3: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
3 CadaverousPesticides Cadaverous Pesticides Level 1: +15% FoodSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% FoodSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% FoodSmall on city.
4 BerserkerPheromone Berserker Pheromone Level 1: +25% Attack AttackIcon on hero. Army
5 IronConstitution Iron Constitution Level 1: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.
Level 2: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.
Level 3: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.

Ardent Mages Skill Tree[]


Ardent mages skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 RenaissanceThinker Renaissance Thinker Level 1: +8 ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +14 ScienceSmall on city.
2 SeethingFire Seething Fire Level 1: +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
Level 3 +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
2 ScientificLiteracy Scientific Literacy Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 2: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 3: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
3 DeadlyAnatomy Deadly Anatomy Level 1: +15 attackAttackIcon on hero.
Level 2: +20 attackAttackIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20% attackAttackIcon on hero.
4 PersuasiveMethods Persuasive Methods Level 1: -50% expansion disapproval received on city.
Level 2: -50% expansion disapproval received on city.
5 Firestarter Firestarter Level 1: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% ScienceSmall on city.

Roving Clans Skill Tree[]


Roving Clans skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 TravelingSalesman Traveling Salesman Level 1: +2 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 2: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 3: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
2 FeetontheStreet Feet on the Street Level 1: +100% Ownership recovery rate on city.
Level 2: +50% Ownership recovery rate on city. x0 Expansion disapproval on city
2 SafePassage Safe Passage Level 1: +25% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
Level 2: +25% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
Level 3: +50% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
3 FastTrader Fast Trader Level 1: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall per trade route. +100% DustSmall on city trade routes.
4 GameTheory Game Theory Level 1: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
5 BlackMarketeer Black Marketeer Level 1: Allows the city to create trade routes with empires in cold war or war. City

Drakken Skill Tree[]


Drakken skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 IrrigationExpert Irrigation Expert Level 1: +1 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
Level 2: +2 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
Level 3: +2 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
2 (3 with ELCP) RaptorsEye Raptor's Eye Level 1: +1 Vision SightIcon on flying unit. Army
3 NarrativeMaster Narrative Master Level 1: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 2: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 3: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
4 (2 with ELCP) FriendlyBanner Friendly Banner Level 1: Prevents the army from being attacked by roaming armies. Army
5 CulturalAmbassador Cultural Ambassador Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 FoodSmall per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +0.3 InfluenceIcon per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 3: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
5 Battlesaur Battlesaur Level 1: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.

If you play with ELCP there is some changes:

  • "Friendly Banner" is available earlier on Level 2 (when it is actually useful).
  • "Raptors Eye" moved to Level 3 and connects to "Narrative Master" and "Defender" in order to provide a better path towards "Inspirational Leader".
  • "Cultural Ambassador" directly connects to "Narrative Master", "Cold Operator" and "Battlesaur", offering alternative skill paths for generals and governors.

Cultists Skill Tree[]


Cultist skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 ImpassionedPreacher Impassioned Preacher Level 1: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
2 WillofKilginka Will of Cilginka Level 1: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
2 WillofAkili Will of Akili Level 1: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
3 WillofIsiver Will of Isiver Level 1: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
4 Proselytizer Proselytizer Level 1: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 2: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 3: +20% InfluenceIcon on city.
5 ToolsoftheEnemy Tools of the Enemy Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.

Forgotten Skill Tree[]


Forgotten skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 FunctioningInsomniac Managed Torpor Level 1: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
Level 2: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
2 ArborealDustDowser Arboreal Dust Dowser Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
Level 2: +2 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall on terrain with forest.
3 SangFroid Sang Froid Level 1: +10% AttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% AttackIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% AttackIcon on units.
3 DoubleorNothing Double or Nothing Level 1: +50% Seniority bonus on hero.
Level 2: +50% Seniority bonus on hero.
5 GhostForce Ghost Force Level 1: Confers stealth on all units of the army. Army
5 OneStepAhead One Step Ahead Level 1: -50% Turns TurnSmall in jail on captured hero.
Level 2: Cannot be captured when performing an infiltration action.

If you play with ELCP there is some changes:

  • "Arboreal Dust Dowser" connects to "Sang Froid". While Forgotten Heroes will never make for premium governors, this change makes at least "Inspirational Leader" easier to reach.

Allayi Skill Tree[]


Allayi skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 Pathfinder Pathfinder Level 1: Army ignores movement penalties from terrain difficulty. Army
2 Awestriker Awestriker Level 1: +25% Bribe cost reduction on army. With ELCP: +15 Dust DustSmall on terrain with Village.
Level 2: +25% Bribe cost reduction on army. With ELCP: Refreshes ruins in the governed region at the start of each winter.
Army (and City with ELCP)
3 ImprovedAurigaAffinity Improved Auriga Affinity Level 1: +20% Pearls Pearls received when collecting. +2 XP per collected pearl cluster.
Level 2: +30% Pearls Pearls received when collecting. +3 XP per collected pearl cluster.
3 ZealousHands Zealous Hands Level 1: +20% Building Pearl Cost Pearls reduction on city.
Level 2: +20% Building Pearl Cost Pearls reduction on city.
4 ChosenofAuriga Chosen of Auriga Level 1: +50% Health Penalty Reduction LifeIcon when retreating on army.
Level 2: +50% Health Penalty Reduction LifeIcon when retreating on army.
5 CoupdeGrace Coup de Grace Level 1: +X% AttackAttackIcon where X is the percentage of Life LifeIcon lost by the target. Army

Morgawr Skill Tree[]


Morgawr skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AncientMariner Ancient Mariner Level 1: +50 DefenseIcon when embarked on hero. +100 LifeIcon when embarked on hero.
Level 2: +50 AttackIcon when embarked on hero. +150 LifeIcon when embarked on hero.
Level 3:+20 InitiativeIcon when embarked on hero. +30 DamageIcon when embarked on hero. +250 LifeIcon when embarked on hero.
2 CultofTides Cult of Tides Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation.
Level 3: +15 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation. With ELCP: +0.1 InfluenceIcon per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with sea or lake.
3 IngeniousAdmiral Ingenious Admiral Level 1: +20% DefenseIcon on transport ship. +20% InitiativeIcon on transport ship. +1 Movement SpeedIcon on transport ship.
Level 2: +20% DefenseIcon on transport ship. +20% InitiativeIcon on transport ship. +1 Movement SpeedIcon on transport ship.
Level 3: +20% DefenseIcon on transport ship. +20% InitiativeIcon on transport ship. +1 Movement SpeedIcon on transport ship.
4 ShipBuilder Ship Builder Level 1: +10% (+15% with ELCP) Naval unit production cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +15% (+10% with ELCP) Naval unit production cost reduction on city. With ELCP: +5% IndustrySmall on city.
4 SpyGlass Spy Glass Level 1: Enables Detection. Units with Detection can see invisible units. The Detection range is equal to the vision range. Ignores line of sight. With ELCP: +5 InfiltrationSmall on infiltrated Hero. +15 Security SecuritySmall on city. Army (Any with ELCP)
5 LordoftheSea Lord of the Sea Level 1: No negative effects from weather. Army

Kapaku Skill Tree[]


Kapaku skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 Volcanology Volcanology Level 1: +1 ScienceSmall on Volcanic terrain.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall on Volcanic terrain.
2 HeatoftheHearth Heat of the Hearth Level 1: +2 Approval ApprovalSmall for city center and expansions on Volcanic terrain.
Level 2: +2 Approval ApprovalSmall for city center and expansions on Volcanic terrain. With ELCP: +2 FoodSmall for city center and expansions on Volcanic terrain.
3 BlazingIngenuity Blazing Ingenuity Level 1: +10% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +10% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +10% ScienceSmall on city.
3 ReclamationGenius Reclamation Genius Level 1: Reduces Dust cost of retrofit by 25%.
Level 2: Gives the hero the Portable Forge ability, to allow army units to retrofit and the hero to re-equip in enemy and neutral territory, for 1 turn TurnSmall.
4 GeomanticWiles Geomantic Wiles Level 1: +1 resource on Strategic Resource StrategicIcon deposit.
Level 2: +1 resource on Strategic Resource StrategicIcon deposit.
5 Bloodboiler Bloodboiler Level 1: +50% Attack AttackIcon on units during Dust Eclipse.
Level 2: +50% Attack AttackIcon on units during Dust Eclipse.

Mykara Skill Tree[]


Mykara skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 LifefromtheLoam Life from the Loam Level 1: +1 FoodSmall on Terrain with Food.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall on Terrain with Food.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall on Terrain with Food.
2 WasteNotWantNot Waste Not, Want Not Level 1: -50% FoodSmall (Consumption) on City.
Level 2: -50% FoodSmall (Consumption) on City.
2 WoodlandStride Woodland Stride Level 1: Army ignores Movement penalties from Terrain difficulty. Army
4 PsychotropicSpores Psychotropic Spores Level 1: +0.5 Retaliation Damage Retaliation per Fortification FortificationSmall on City. Damage is spread across all Units of unfriendly Army at the start of the Turn.
Level 2: +0.5 Retaliation Damage Retaliation per Fortification FortificationSmall on City. Damage is spread across all Units of unfriendly Army at the start of the Turn.
4 NecroticSpores Necrotic Spores Level 1: +10% Attack AttackIcon on Units.
Level 2: +10% Attack AttackIcon on Units.
5 MonsterHunter Monster Hunter Level 1: Grants Hero the Level 2 "Urkan Slayer" ability.
Level 2: Grants Hero the Level 3 "Urkan Slayer" ability.

Haunts Skill Tree[]


Haunts skill tree

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AlchemicalGenius Alchemical Genius Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 2: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
2 WisdomOfAges Wisdom of Ages Level 1: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with Ruins.
Level 2: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with Ruins.
Level 3: +4 ScienceSmall on terrain with Ruins.
3 PerfectTiming Perfect Timing Level 1: +5 Initiative InitiativeIcon on hero.
Level 2: +7 Initiative InitiativeIcon on hero.
Level 3: +15% Initiative InitiativeIcon on hero.
4 SepulcherSickness Sepulcher Sickness Level 1: Adds the Disease capacity on hero. Army
4 ColdFusion Cold Fusion Level 1: +30% ScienceSmall on city during Winter.
Level 2: +30% ScienceSmall on city during Winter.
5 EnergizedLightning Energized Lightning Level 1: Adds the Chain Lightning Boost 1 capacity on hero.
Level 2: Adds the Chain Lightning Boost 2 capacity on hero.

Sisters of Mercy Skill Tree[]


Sisters of Mercy skill tree

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 RighteousCause Righteous Cause Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
Level 3: +10 ApprovalSmall on city (no with ELCP). With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per ApprovalSmall above 100 on city.
2 BenedictionOfTheSisters Benediction of the Sisters Level 1: Adds the Benediction 2 capacity on hero: Provides immunity to an adjacent friendly unit and the adjacent friendly units against disease and any capacity lowering stats for 2 rounds. Heals the friendly unit and the adjacent friendly units for a life LifeIcon amount equal to 15% of the caster damage value.
Level 2: Adds the Benediction 3 capacity on hero: Provides immunity to an adjacent friendly unit and the adjacent friendly units against disease and any capacity lowering stats for the battle. Heals the friendly unit and the adjacent friendly units for a life LifeIcon amount equal to 25% of the caster damage value.
3 TendTheFlock Tend the Flock Level 1: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army. With ELCP: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon on city.
Level 2: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army. With ELCP: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon on city.
Level 3: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health Regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army. With ELCP: +5% Health Regen LifeIcon on city.
4 AsceticWarriors Ascetic Warriors Level 1: -50% DustSmall on military upkeep in city. With ELCP: +1 InfluenceIcon per Unit in the City Garrison (Hero and Militia count aswell).
Level 2: -50% DustSmall on military upkeep in city. With ELCP: +1 InfluenceIcon per Unit in the City Garrison (Hero and Militia count aswell).
5 MercilessWrath Merciless Wrath Level 1: +10% Damage DamageIcon on hero.
Level 2: +10% Damage DamageIcon on hero.
Level 3: +10% Damage DamageIcon on hero.
5 ANoblesDuty A Noble's Duty Level 1: Food Income FoodSmall cannot be negative. Dust Income DustSmall cannot be negative. City

Note: If you play with ELCP there is some changes:

  • "Ascetic Warriors" got link to "Inspirational Leader".