Endless Legend Wiki
Endless Legend Wiki
Secrets of the Virtuals
Secrets of the Virtuals
Faction ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Obtained QuestIcon Faction Quest
Category EmpireandExpansionSmall Empire and Expansion
Type FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus ArdentMagesIcon Arcana
+2 Arcana level for all Pillars on Empire
+2 Arcana level for all Spells on Empire (no with ELCP)

An Era IV technology exclusive to the Ardent Mages that is obtained by completing Chapter 8 of their faction quest. It increases the Arcana level of all Pillars and Spells by 2.


If you play with the Endless Legend Community Patch, there are some changes for smooth out the Spells progression.

  • Secrets of the Virtuals: +2 Arcana level for all Spells effect removed.
  • Verda's Temple: +1 Arcana level for all Spells effect added (Chapter 4 of the faction quest).
  • Sacrificial Amplifiers: +1 Arcana level for all Spells effect added (Era V tech).


I am transcended. I have become something more than flesh and bone. I realize now that our investigations into Dust were nothing more than child's play in the surf beside a great ocean of knowledge. Still, already I can see how to make our pillars stronger, our spells fiercer...
