Endless Legend Wiki
Nyctalopian Lenses
Nyctalopian Lenses
Faction FactionIconSmall All
Obtained Winter 1st Winter
Type Improvement City Improvement
Focus SightIcon Vision
Provides immunity to Winter Vision penalty on City and Regional Buildings
+10% ScienceSmall on City
IndustrySmall Production 200 IndustrySmall
StrategicIcon Resource 10 Pearls

A City Improvement unlocked from the Nyctalopian Lenses Blessing, available at the start of the 1st Winter.

The Forgotten are able to unlock and construct the Nyctalopian Lenses, but the bonus to ScienceSmall Science has no effect, making the construction less valuable to them than other factions.


A simple modification to windows in public buildings (simple if you master Pearls and Dust magics, that is) allows those within to see movement at night as well as they can in daytime.
