Endless Legend Wiki
FactionIconSmall Faction UrkansIconSmall Urkans
UnitSmall Unit Type Cavalry Cavalry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 1000
AttackIcon Attack 80
InitiativeIcon Initiative 30
SpeedIcon Speed 6
DefenseIcon Defense 60
DamageIcon Damage 80
Ranged Range 1
SightIcon Sight 3
IndustrySmall Production N/A

Kazar is one of the Urkans, and appears randomly over the course of the game. Kazar has the highest Life LifeIcon and Damage DamageIcon of the Urkans, but the lowest Attack AttackIcon.


The largest of the three great beasts, Kazar moves with an unhurried gait that belies its great strength and arrogance. Often crusted with precious ores when emerging from the depths, Kazar is sometimes the target of brave, or foolhardy, adventures who attempt to liberate the valuable stones.


Icon Name Effect
AbilityIndestrutibleSmall Indestructible This unit cannot die.
AbilityWinterEnervationSmall Winter Enervation -25% Attack AttackIcon during Winter
-25% Defense DefenseIcon during Winter
-25% Initiative InitiativeIcon during Winter
-25% Damage DamageIcon during Winter
AbilityBrotherhoodofUrkansSmall Brotherhood of Urkans -50% Damage DamageIcon dealt to Urkans
UnsellableSmall Unsellable Cannot be sold on the Markteplace
AbilityFlamewalkerSmall Flamewalker Takes no damage from lava flows
AbilityAshBreatherSmall Ash Breather Can regenerate life on volcanic terrain
AbilitySweepStrikeBack4Small Sweep Strike Back 4 Overrides the default counter attack.
Deals damage to the attacker and opponents next to both the unit and the attacker.
+125% Damage DamageIcon.

Urkan Training[]

Urkan Agriculture
Urkans: Kazar
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: FoodSmall Food
Urkan Agriculture With mycelial networks riddling the land, when a great beast is rooted to a region it can help to process tough nutrients, channeling sustenance from rivals to allies.


While Urkan is rooted to a Region:

  • Own and allied Cities in neighboring Regions produces +30% Food FoodSmall
  • Enemy Cities in neighboring Regions produce -15% Food FoodSmall
Reinforced Carapace
Urkans: Kazar
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Reinforced Carapace Applying a salve concocted from a rare mushroom onto the Urkan carapace gives the great beast and their minions a harder shell and better constitution.


+50% Life LifeIcon on Urkans
+50% Life LifeIcon on Urkan Lice
+50% Defense DefenseIcon on Urkans
+50% Defense DefenseIcon on Urkan Lice

Healing Secretion
Urkans: Kazar
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Healing Secretion Urkans secrete a complex pheromone, which when correctly treated can aide nearby armies defenses and regeneration. The effect is thought to be connected to symbiotic relationships between normally-warring bacteria.


While Urkan is in Army Form:

  • Allied Units in the same Region have +20% Defense DefenseIcon
  • Allied Units in the same Region have +20% Life Regen LifeIcon
Fecund Brood
Urkans: Kazar & Chaka
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Fecund Brood Via a careful chymical procedure, Urkans can be seeded with exotic concoctions that accelerate lice production under the exoskeletal plates.


Urkans under your control spawn Lice 50% faster

Endurance Training
Urkans: Kazar & Fakir
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Endurance Training Experiments on the lice strains living on Kazar and Fakir have led to a stunning discovery: Their mutual interaction produces natural defenses making Urkans resilient to winter's effects.


Removes penalties on Urkan due to Winter

Coordinated Tremors
Urkans: Kazar, Chaka, & Fakir
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Coordinated Tremors Careful training by skilled beast-masters allows the Urkans to coordinate earth-shattering 'blows' that superpose over each other, producing long-distance attacks on fortifications.


Urkans gain the "Tremors" Army Action, producing long distance Siege Damage
