Endless Legend Wiki

Influence (InfluenceIcon) is a FIDSI resource used to perform diplomatic actions and implement empire plan policies.

A few factions have unique interactions with Influence:

  • The DrakkenIcon Drakken get +3 InfluenceIcon on terrain with Ruins due to their "Endless Excavation" trait.
  • The CultistsIcon Cultists can use Influence to convert minor faction villages due to their "Conversion" trait.
  • The MorgawrSmall Morgawr can use Influence to take control of roaming armies due to their "Catspaw" trait and un-pacify pacified villages due to their "Seeds of Dissent" trait.


City Improvements[]

This list includes any City Improvement that increases a city's Influence output, even indirectly. Some of the improvements listed have additional effects that do not affect Influence production, but for simplicity those effects are not listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Upkeep Effects
City Hall FactionIconSmall All Upon Settling 10 +2 InfluenceIcon per population on city
Founder's Memorial FactionIconSmall All At Start 60 +1 InfluenceIcon on city
Can only be built once in your empire
Sewer System FactionIconSmall All Era I 75 1 +1 InfluenceIcon on Approval (Happy)
Glory of Empire FactionIconSmall All Era II 250 3 +5 InfluenceIcon on City
+1 InfluenceIcon per population on City
National Arena FactionIconSmall All Era III 1200 10 Titanium Color 256x256 8 +50% InfluenceIcon on City
Can only be built once in your Empire
National Museum FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 5 Adamantian Color 256x256
5 Palladian Color 256x256
4 +2 InfluenceIcon on City Center
+2 InfluenceIcon on District
+2 InfluenceIcon per population on City
Altar of Transcendence ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages Faction Quest 1000 30 Adamantian Color 256x256/Palladian Color 256x256
30 Mithrite Color 256x256/Hyperium Color 256x256
7 +5 InfluenceIcon per population on City
+10 InfluenceIcon on City
Limited to one copy in your Empire
Auriga Institute DrakkenIcon Drakken Faction Quest 800 5 Mithrite Color 256x256 4 Requires an income of 20 InfluenceIcon from the City
+10 InfluenceIcon on Approval (Fervent)
Arena of Champions FactionIconSmall All Era V 3000 10 Adamantian Color 256x256
10 Palladian Color 256x256
20 +100% InfluenceIcon on City
Limited to one copy in your Empire
Arts Council FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 10 Glassteel Color 256x256
5 Mithrite Color 256x256
10 +10% InfluenceIcon on Approval (Fervent)
Aura of Empire FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 10 Adamantian Color 256x256
10 Palladian Color 256x256
10 +15 InfluenceIcon on District Level 2
+4 InfluenceIcon per population on City
Imperial News Network FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 5 Glassteel Color 256x256
10 Mithrite Color 256x256
10 +1 InfluenceIcon per population on Approval (Happy)


Again, while many of these expansions have other effects, only those affecting Influence production have been listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Effect
Borough Streets FactionIconSmall All except Allayi At Start Varies +1 InfluenceIcon on City Tile
+2 InfluenceIcon per extra level on City Tile
Garth of the Allayi AllayiIcon Allayi At Start Varies Varies Pearls +2 InfluenceIcon on City Tile
+4 InfluenceIcon per extra level on City Tile
Altar of Auriga FactionIconSmall All At Start 150 10 Pearls +2 InfluenceIcon per level on Altar of Auriga
Limited to one copy in your Empire
Throne of Emperors FactionIconSmall All Era IV 3000 35 Mithrite Color 256x256
35 Hyperium Color 256x256
+50 InfluenceIcon per level on Throne of Emperors
Can only be built once in the world
Abbey of Anomalies FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 400 10 Pearls x2 InfluenceIcon on City Tile
Limited to one copy in your City
To be built on Anomaly


Heroes provide a number of ways to increase the Influence output of a city they are the governor of, whether that be through capacities, skills, or accessories.


Hero Icon Name Effect
Lorekeeper Lakaspassar
Tinu the Chosen
AbilityInfluenceBoost1Small Influence Boost 1 +1 Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city.
+1% Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city.
Martin de Ildan de Suluzzo
Archivist Jiraduveja
Andom the Seer
Consecrate Mawusi Boakye
AbilityInfluenceBoost2Small Influence Boost 2 +2 Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city.
+1% Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city.
Loremaster Semsanitnwona
Ozek the Chosen
Valete Sapiri Kugua
AbilityInfluenceBoost3Small Influence Boost 3 +3 InfluenceInfluenceIcon per hero's level on city
+1% InfluenceInfluenceIcon per hero's level on city.
Strio AbilityInfluenceEfficiency1Small Influence Efficiency 1 +1 Influence InfluenceIcon per population on city
+1% Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city
Pali Inoa

Specialized Polyp Q9

AbilityInfluenceEfficiency2Small Influence Efficiency 2 +2 Influence InfluenceIcon per population on city
+1% Influence InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city


Skill Tree Level Icon Name Effect
Drakken 3 NarrativeMaster Narrative Master Level 1: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 2: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 3: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Drakken 5 CulturalAmbassador Cultural Ambassador Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 FoodSmall per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +0.3 InfluenceIcon per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 3: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
Cultists 1 ImpassionedPreacher Impassioned Preacher Level 1: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Cultists 4 Proselytizer Proselytizer Level 1: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 2: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 3: +20% InfluenceIcon on city.
Morgawr 2 CultofTides Cult of Tides Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation.
Level 3: +15 ApprovalSmall on city with oceanic exploitation. With ELCP: +0.1 InfluenceIcon per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with sea or lake.
Sisters of Mercy 4 AsceticWarriors Ascetic Warriors Level 1: -50% DustSmall on military upkeep in city. With ELCP: +1 InfluenceIcon per Unit in the City Garrison (Hero and Militia count aswell).
Level 2: -50% DustSmall on military upkeep in city. With ELCP: +1 InfluenceIcon per Unit in the City Garrison (Hero and Militia count aswell).


All listed accessories are Tomes.

Item StrategicIcon Effects Obtained From
ItemTomeStrategic6Tier1Large 24 Hyperium Color 256x256 +2 InfluenceIcon per level on City Rare Armor
ItemTomeStrategic6Tier2Large 48 Hyperium Color 256x256 +4 InfluenceIcon per level on City Puissant Armor
ItemTomeStrategic6Tier3Large 96 Hyperium Color 256x256 +8 InfluenceIcon per level on City Arcane Armor



The Ardent Mages are able to research the Arcana of Authority technology, which unlocks the Pillar of Influence for placement. This pillar increase the InfluenceIcon Influence output of tiles within range depending on the Arcana level as shown here:

Level Effect Range
1 +1 InfluenceIcon on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 1
2 +2 InfluenceIcon on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 1
3 +2 InfluenceIcon on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2
4 +3 InfluenceIcon on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2
5 +5 InfluenceIcon on tiles within the pillar's range for 10 turns TurnSmall 2

Upon obtaining the Cold Engineering technology by completing Chapter 5, Part 1 of the Ardent Mages faction quest, the Pillar of Influence will produce an additional +1 InfluenceIcon on tiles within its range during winter.


The Kazanji provide an assimilation bonus of +5% InfluenceIcon on cities per pacified and rebuilt village, up to +30% InfluenceIcon.


The three types of Citadels that make the center of Fortresses and every Facility provides a bonus of +1 InfluenceIcon. The only exception to this is the Center of Influence Facility, which provides a bonus of +10 InfluenceIcon, and a bonus of +2% InfluenceIcon per Fortress you control on Empire, while giving every other empire -2% InfluenceIcon per Fortress you control.

Resource Boosters[]

The only Luxury Resource that provides a bonus to Influence is Dye Grey 256x256 Dye, which provides +50% InfluenceIcon on cities when activated as a booster.


The only technology available to every faction that increases Influence directly without needing to build a city improvement or expansion is the United Empires Council, which provides a bonus of +100% InfluenceIcon on Cities. There are, however a number of faction-specific technologies that provide a bonus to Influence:


Some quests give lump sums of Influence as a reward for completing them.
