Endless Legend Wiki

Industry (IndustrySmall) is a FIDSI resource used by cities to carry out the production of units, city improvements, expansions, and more.


These are the primary ways to produce additional Industry in a city or across the empire.


Basic Terrain[]

Of the basic terrain types Forest, Rocks, and Volcanic terrain provide bonuses to Industry, though the amount can vary. For forests the Cold Forest, Crystal Forest, Palm Trees, Taiga, and Temperate Forest all provide 2 IndustrySmall, while the Enchanted Forest, Mountain Forest, Savanna, and Wetland provide 1 IndustrySmall. All Rocks except the Crystal Field and Crystal Ice provide 1 IndustrySmall. For Volcanic terrain, the Ash Drifts, Badlands, and Lava Swirls provide 1 IndustrySmall, Barren Soil and Basalt Plains provide 2 IndustrySmall, and the Scorched Wilds provide 3 IndustrySmall.

Lava Flows provide +1 IndustrySmall on tiles they pass through in addition to the tile's normal output.


Anomalies on a tile provide an additional bonus to its FIDSI output, and there are a number of anomalies that provide a bonus of 2, 4, or 6 IndustrySmall on a tile.

  • 2 IndustrySmall: Caldera Lake, Dragon Tree, Geothermal Pit, Golden Tree, Igloo Larvae, Lava Geyser, Massive Tree, Ruby Cactus Fields, Steppe Soil, Weaver Worms, and Wizard Stone
  • 4 IndustrySmall: Clay, Earth Tower, Geysers, Meteor Fields, and Rumbling Stones
  • 6 IndustrySmall: Fumarole, Mineral Rich, Spiral Rock Peel, and Steel Stalks

Faction Traits[]

Some factions have unique interactions with Industry:

  • The WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers gain +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with Forests during Summer due to their "Living Towns" trait.
  • The MorgawrSmall Morgawr gain +2 IndustrySmall on terrain with Sea or Lake and +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with River due to their "Hydrophilic" trait.

City Improvements[]

This list includes any City Improvement that increases a city's Industry output, even indirectly. Some of the improvements listed have additional effects that do not affect Industry production, but for simplicity those effects are not listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Upkeep Effects
City Hall FactionIconSmall All Upon Settling 10 +4 IndustrySmall per population on city
Founder's Memorial FactionIconSmall All At Start 60 +2 IndustrySmall on city
Can only be built once in your empire
Mill Foundry FactionIconSmall All Era I 75 1 +6 IndustrySmall on city
+15% IndustrySmall on city
Apprenticeship Registry FactionIconSmall All Era II 250 5 Titanium Color 256x256 2 +1 IndustrySmall on exploitation
Canal Locks FactionIconSmall All Era II 600 5 Titanium Color 256x256 4 +5 IndustrySmall per population on city
Can only be built once in your empire
Canal System FactionIconSmall All Era II 250 2 +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with industry during summer
Lumber Mill FactionIconSmall All Era II 250 5 Titanium Color 256x256 2 Need an exploited forest tile to be built
+1 IndustrySmall on terrain with forest
Deep Generator VaultersIcon Vaulters Era II 250 20 VaultersIcon +10% IndustrySmall on city
The VaultersIcon cost indicates that the holy resource has to be chosen
Lava Works FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 5 Titanium Color 256x256
5 Glassteel Color 256x256
4 Need an exploited lava flow tile to be built
+8 IndustrySmall on lava flow terrain
Automated Production FactionIconSmall All Era IV 1200 5 Titanium Color 256x256
15 Adamantian Color 256x256
7 +3 IndustrySmall on terrain with industry
Production Line FactionIconSmall All Era IV 1200 10 Titanium Color 256x256
10 Adamantian Color 256x256
7 +3 IndustrySmall per population on city
Advanced Quarry FactionIconSmall All Era V 3000 10 Titanium Color 256x256
20 Adamantian Color 256x256
10 +50 IndustrySmall on terrain with strategic resource
Limited to one copy in your empire
Imperial News Network FactionIconSmall All Era V 2000 5 Glassteel Color 256x256
10 Mithrite Color 256x256
10 +2 IndustrySmall per population on approval (happy)
Ice Works FactionIconSmall All 2nd Winter 300 10 Pearls Need an exploited River, Lake or Sea tile to be built
+10 IndustrySmall on terrain with River during winter
+10 IndustrySmall on terrain with Sea or Lake during winter season with ice shelf


Again, while many of these expansions have other effects, only those affecting Industry production have been listed.

Name Faction Obtained IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Effect
Garth of the Allayi AllayiIcon Allayi At Start Varies Varies Pearls +2 IndustrySmall on city tile
Industrial Megapole FactionIconSmall All Era II 1000 15 Titanium Color 256x256
15 Glassteel Color 256x256
+25 IndustrySmall per level on Industrial Megapole
Can only be built once in the world
Cargo Docks FactionIconSmall All Era III 600 Limited to one copy in your city
Can only be built on coastal waters or ocean with exploitation
+5 IndustrySmall on city tile
+5 IndustrySmall on terrain with sea or lake
+10 IndustrySmall per extra level on city tile
Abbey of Anomalies FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 400 10 Pearls x2 IndustrySmall on city tile
Winter Borough FactionIconSmall All 3rd Winter 600 20 Pearls +2 IndustrySmall per level on city tiles during winter
Limited to one copy in your city
To be built during winter


Approval in a city has an effect on the generated Industry as well.

State ApprovalSmall IndustrySmall
Rebellion 0-10 -50%
Unhappy 20-39 -20%
Content 40-59 0%
Happy 60-89 +15%
Fervent 90-100 +30%


Heroes provide a number of ways to increase the Industry output of a city they are the governor of, whether that be through capacities, skills, or accessories.


Hero Icon Name Effect
Never Rests AbilityIndustryBoost1Small Industry Boost 1 +2 Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
Soyala Tocho
Samhane Haligtide
Strikes Far
AbilityIndustryBoost2Small Industry Boost 2 +4 Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
Wayra Sigo
Ahote Zaltana
AbilityIndustryBoost3Small Industry Boost 3 +6 Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per hero's level on city.
Tlato Mosi Pakwa AbilityIndustryEfficiency1Small Industry Efficiency 1 +1 Industry IndustrySmall per population on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per Hero's level on city.
Ipsa Wacha
Exid the Chosen
Ululani Raui

Specialized Polyp 2D

AbilityIndustryEfficiency2Small Industry Efficiency 2 +2 Industry IndustrySmall per population on city.
+1% Industry IndustrySmall per Hero's level on city.
Feeds on Bones
Long Fangs
AbilitySlaverySmall Slavery Increases the "per population" value for Food FoodSmall and Industry IndustrySmall for each pacified village VillageIcon.

As an additional note, the Sway of the Master can be equipped on heroes to give them the Slavery capacity.


Skill Tree Level Icon Name Effect
Common 4 InspirationalLeader Inspirational Leader Level 1: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +5% FoodSmall on city, +5% IndustrySmall on city, +5% ScienceSmall on city, +5% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +10% FoodSmall on city, +10% IndustrySmall on city, +10% ScienceSmall on city, +10% DustSmall on city.
Wild Walkers 2 WoodlandForager Woodland Forager Level 1: +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with forest.
Wild Walkers 3 NaturalResources Natural Resources Level 1: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +10 IndustrySmall on city.
Wild Walkers 5 NaturalArchitect Natural Architect Level 1: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Vaulters 3 SubterraneanNetworker Subterranean Networker Level 1: +4 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 ScienceSmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
Level 3: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
Cultists 1 ImpassionedPreacher Impassioned Preacher Level 1: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Morgawr 4 ShipBuilder Ship Builder Level 1: +10% (+15% with ELCP) Naval unit production cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +15% (+10% with ELCP) Naval unit production cost reduction on city. With ELCP: +5% IndustrySmall on city.
Kapaku 1 Volcanology Volcanology Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on Volcanic terrain.
Level 2: +1 IndustrySmall on Volcanic terrain, +1 DustSmall on Volcanic terrain.
Sisters of Mercy 1 RighteousCause Righteous Cause Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
Level 3: +10 ApprovalSmall on city (no with ELCP). With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per ApprovalSmall above 100 on city.


All listed accessories are Tomes.

Item Name StrategicIcon Effects Obtained From
ItemTomeStrategic3Tier1Large 12 Adamantian Color 256x256 +1 IndustrySmall per population on city Uncommon Armor
ItemTomeStrategic3Tier2Large 24 Adamantian Color 256x256 +2 IndustrySmall per population on city Marvelous Armor
ItemTomeStrategic3Tier3Large 48 Adamantian Color 256x256 +4 IndustrySmall per population on city Exceptional Armor
Quivering Circlet Quivering Circlet 50 DustSmall +7 IndustrySmall on city
+7 DustSmall on city
+7 ScienceSmall on city
Can be equipped by Broken Lords heroes only
Broken Lords Faction Quest
Roads of Dust Roads of Dust 55 DustSmall +8 IndustrySmall on city
+1 SpeedIcon on units
Can be equipped by heroes only
Roving Clans Faction Quest


Empire Plan[]

Tier 4 of the Science and Industry branch of the Empire Plan grants a bonus of +2 IndustrySmall on Districts.

Resource Boosters[]

A number of Luxury resources (and Strategic resources for the Vaulters and Mezari) can be used to increase empire-wide Industry production.

Resource IndustrySmall
Bones Grey 256x256 Titan Bones +50%
DustOrchid Grey 256x256 Dust Orchid +20%
Adamantian Color 256x256 Adamantian +20%
Mithrite Color 256x256 Mithrite +15%


Industry Stockpiles can be applied to cities for a lump-sum quantity of Industry at the end of the turn.


The only technology that increases IndustrySmall Industry output directly without the need to build a city improvement is the Era VI technology Endless Alloys, which increases the Industry output of cities by 100%.

Cost Reduction[]

Aside from simply producing Industry, there are also a number of ways to reduce the IndustrySmall cost to produce buildings and units, though these methods often focus on one or the other.

These multipliers stack additively in the vanilla game, so you could reach 100% cost reduction for buildings. With ELCP, the stacking is multiplicative, making 100% cost reduction no longer possible.

Building cost reduction[]

  • +33% from the level 2 Science and Industry Empire Plan.
  • +12%/+24% from Behemoth Tamer (Wild Walkers hero skill).
  • +5% per pacified Urces village in regions when assimilated (up to 30%).
  • +25% from Wild Walkers quest technology Growing Buildings.
  • +20% for Districts from Industrial Megapole.

Unit cost reduction[]

  • +20% from level 1 Military Empire Plan.
  • +12%/+24% from Slave Driver (Necrophages hero skill).
  • +12%/+24% from Game Theory (Roving Clans hero skill).
  • +10%/+25% (+15%/+25% with ELCP) for naval units from Ship Builder (Morgawr hero skill).
  • +10% and +1% per Fortress for naval units from Naval Architecture Facility.