Endless Legend Wiki

Heroes are unique units that can be assigned as the Governor of a city, the General of an army, or a Spy in an enemy city. They usually have a few unique capacities suited towards one role or the other, as well as access to three skill trees, which they can gain additional skills from as they level up. Heroes are mostly obtained from the Marketplace, but one is given to each empire at the start of the game, and a few can be obtained as rewards for completing certain quests.

Since the heroes from a given faction always have the same unit type - i.e. a Wild Walkers hero will always be Ranged - heroes are listed based on their faction, rather than Unit Type.

Note: If you play with ELCP there are Mercenary Corps technology for all factions except RovingClansIcon Roving Clans and Freelance Guards exclusive to the RovingClansIcon Roving Clans, that reduce the market Buyout cost of Heroes by 20%.

Wild Walkers[]

Citli Owaci
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 46 DefenseIcon Defense 22
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 38
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Citli Owaci AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack3SmallSpying2

Ipsa Wacha
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Ipsa Wacha AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallAbilityIndustryEfficiency2SmallSpying2

Soyala Tocho
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Soyala Tocho AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilityIndustryBoost2SmallSpying2

Témoc Rayen
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 46 DefenseIcon Defense 22
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 38
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Témoc Rayen AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical1SmallAbilityArmyBoost1SmallSpying2

Tlato Mosi Pakwa
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Tlato Mosi Pakwa AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost1SmallAbilityIndustryEfficiency1SmallSpying2

Wayra Sigo
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Wayra Sigo AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityFoodBoost2SmallAbilityIndustryBoost3SmallSpying2

Ahote Zaltana
Faction: WildWalkersIcon Wild Walkers
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 107 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 41 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 41
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Ahote Zaltana AbilityRangedSmallForestRageFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilityIndustryBoost3SmallSpying2Unsellable

Wild Walkers Skill Tree[]


Wild Walkers skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 FunctioningInsomniac Functioning Insomniac Level 1: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
Level 2: -2 Assignment cooldown on hero.
2 WoodlandForager Woodland Forager Level 1: +1 IndustrySmall on terrain with forest. City
3 NaturalResources Natural Resources Level 1: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +6 IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +10 IndustrySmall on city.
4 BehemothTamer Behemoth Tamer Level 1: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
Level 2: -12% building production cost reduction on city.
4 LivingWalls Living Walls Level 1: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 2: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
Level 3: -30% DustSmall on city upkeep.
5 NaturalArchitect Natural Architect Level 1: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 2: +15% IndustrySmall on city.
Level 3: +15% IndustrySmall on city.

Broken Lords[]

Baron Joslyn Deyval
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 36 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Baron Joslyn Deyval AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityDustEfficiency2SmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallSpying2

Bishop Julian
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 52
InitiativeIcon Initiative 32 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Bishop Julian AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityDustBoost1SmallSpying2

Duke Leofric Whitechapel
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 52
InitiativeIcon Initiative 32 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Duke Leofric Whitechapel AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense3SmallSpying2

Duke Unwin Weybridge
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 36 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Duke Unwin Weybridge AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense1SmallAbilityDustBoost3SmallSpying2

John Port, The Shadow
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 32 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
John Port, The Shadow AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilityDustBoost3SmallSpying2

Lord Peyton Quinn
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 32 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Lord Peyton Quinn AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallAbilityDustEfficiency3SmallSpying2

Martin de Ildan de Suluzzo
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 132 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 41 DefenseIcon Defense 48
InitiativeIcon Initiative 38 DamageIcon Damage 48
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Martin de Ildan de Suluzzo AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative1SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost2SmallSpying2Unsellable

Samhane Haligtide
Faction: BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 52
InitiativeIcon Initiative 32 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Samhane Haligtide AbilityDustCareSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative1SmallAbilityIndustryBoost2SmallAbilitySoulLeechSmallSpying2Unsellable

Broken Lords Skill Tree[]


Broken Lords skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AquaticDust Aquatic Dust Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 2: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall on terrain with river.
2 DustDiviner Dust Diviner Level 1: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
Level 3: +1 DustSmall on terrain with dust.
2 DistributedDefenses Distributed Defenses Level 1: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
3 MiningAuthority Mining Authority Level 1: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
Level 2: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
Level 3: +0.5 resource (Strategic StrategicIcon and Luxury CategoryLuxurySmall) on deposit.
4 SiegeEngine Siege Engine Level 1: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 2: +2 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
Level 3: +4 Fortification Damage FortificationDamage per turn TurnSmall on units.
5 DustTrickery Dust Trickery Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.


Chief Sapper Liszt Ajandek
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Chief Sapper Liszt Ajandek AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityScienceBoost3SmallSpying2

High Protector Toth Istvanka
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
High Protector Toth Istvanka AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense3SmallSpying2

Nadjne Zolya
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Nadjne Zolya AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityScienceEfficiency1SmallSpying2

Pecs Kerre
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Pecs Kerre AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative2SmallAbilityScienceBoost3SmallSpying2

Petrov Judit
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Petrov Judit AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityScienceEfficiency2SmallSpying2

Rill Kata
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 24
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Rill Kata AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack3SmallAbilityScienceBoost1SmallSpying2

Agi Kinztak
Faction: VaultersIcon Vaulters
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 200 SpeedIcon Speed 7
AttackIcon Attack 131 DefenseIcon Defense 128
InitiativeIcon Initiative 61 DamageIcon Damage 61
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Agi Kinztak AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityPointblankPower2SmallAbilityBlock2SmallAbilitySharpSense2SmallAbilityImprovedMovement3SmallAbilityGeneralDefense3SmallAbilityGeneralAttack3SmallSpying2

Vaulters Skill Tree[]


Vaulters skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AlchemicalGenius Alchemical Genius Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 2: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
2 EscapeArtist Escape Artist Level 1: Allows the hero to leave besieged cities. Any
2 ThickSkinned Thick Skinned Level 1: +15 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 2: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
3 SubterraneanNetworker Subterranean Networker Level 1: +4 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 ScienceSmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
Level 3: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
4 TunnelRat Tunnel Rat Level 1: No blockade penalty on FIDS City
5 MechanicalExhibitionist Mechanical Exhibitionist Level 1: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall per trade route. +100% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.


Avara Lasmak
Faction: MezariSmall Mezari
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 22
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Avara Lasmak AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallScienceBoost2SmallSpying2

Commander Irjsko Lasmak
Faction: MezariSmall Mezari
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 30
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 4 SightIcon Sight 3
Commander Irjsko Lasmak AbilityLongRangedSmallAbilityTechnoloverSmallAbilityLastStandSmallArmyVisionRangeBoost1SmallAbilityScienceEfficiency3SmallSpying2

Sable Deceiver Bayari Kulaa
Faction: MezariSmall Mezari
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 116 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 38 DefenseIcon Defense 32
InitiativeIcon Initiative 26 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Sable Deceiver Bayari Kulaa AbilityLastStandSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityDustEfficiency3SmallAbilitySpying4

Vaulters Skill Tree[]


Vaulters skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 AlchemicalGenius Alchemical Genius Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 2: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall on city center. +2 ScienceSmall on district.
2 EscapeArtist Escape Artist Level 1: Allows the hero to leave besieged cities. Any
2 ThickSkinned Thick Skinned Level 1: +15 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 2: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20 Defense DefenseIcon on hero.
3 SubterraneanNetworker Subterranean Networker Level 1: +4 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 ScienceSmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
Level 3: +8 Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall per turn TurnSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 IndustrySmall per unused Fortification Recovery FortificationSmall on terrain with Strategic Resources.
4 TunnelRat Tunnel Rat Level 1: No blockade penalty on FIDS City
5 MechanicalExhibitionist Mechanical Exhibitionist Level 1: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 ScienceSmall per trade route. +50% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 ScienceSmall per trade route. +100% ScienceSmall on city trade routes.


Empty Belly
Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 146 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 46 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Empty Belly Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack1SmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallSpying1

Feeds on Bones
Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 164 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 24 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Feeds on Bones Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack1SmallAbilitySlaverySmallSpying1

Long Fangs
Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 164 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 24 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Long Fangs Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilitySlaverySmallAbilityGeneralCritical1SmallSpying1

Never Rests
Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 182 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Never Rests Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityIndustryBoost1SmallSpying1

Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Queenslayer Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilitySlaverySmallAbilityArmyBoost2SmallSpying1

Strikes Far
Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Strikes Far Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityFoodBoost3SmallAbilityIndustryBoost2SmallSpying1

Faction: NecrophagesIcon Necrophages
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 128 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 28
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Ka-Riss Fast1AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilitySlaverySmallSpying1Unsellable

Necrophages Skill Tree[]


Necrophages skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 NecroticAgriculture Necrotic Agriculture Level 1: +8 FoodSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 FoodSmall on city.
Level 3: +14 FoodSmall on city.
2 SlaveDriver Slave Driver Level 1: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
3 RoadsidePicnic Roadside Picnic Level 1: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
Level 2: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
Level 3: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army.
3 CadaverousPesticides Cadaverous Pesticides Level 1: +15% FoodSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% FoodSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% FoodSmall on city.
4 BerserkerPheromone Berserker Pheromone Level 1: +25% Attack AttackIcon on hero. Army
5 IronConstitution Iron Constitution Level 1: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.
Level 2: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.
Level 3: +5% Health regen LifeIcon in owned region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in allied region on army. +5% Health regen LifeIcon in non-allied region on army.

Ardent Mages[]

Argbadh Bose Falhala
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Argbadh Bose Falhala AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost1SmallAbilityScienceBoost3SmallSpying2

High Inquisitor Asalah Arca
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
High Inquisitor Asalah Arca AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative2SmallScienceBoost2SmallSpying2

Nahla Al-Jazar, Argbadh of the Phoenix
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 22
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Nahla Al-Jazar, Argbadh of the Phoenix AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost2SmallAbilityScienceBoost1SmallSpying2

Sunseeker Zakiya Eli
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 22
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Sunseeker Zakiya Eli AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityGeneralInitiative1SmallSpying2

Wadeha Hakan
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 22
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Wadeha Hakan AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilityScienceBoost1SmallSpying2

Zarcha Attinul
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Zarcha Attinul AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallAbilityScienceBoost1SmallSpying2

Faresh Zima
Faction: ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 141 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 109 DefenseIcon Defense 49
InitiativeIcon Initiative 30 DamageIcon Damage 63
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Faresh Zima AbilityRangedSmallAbilityArdentFireSmallAbilityIncreasedFire3SmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilitySlowDownSmallAbilityArmyBoost2SmallSpying2

Ardent Mages Skill Tree[]


Ardent mages skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 RenaissanceThinker Renaissance Thinker Level 1: +8 ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +8 ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +14 ScienceSmall on city.
2 SeethingFire Seething Fire Level 1: +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
Level 3 +10% AttackAttackIcon on units.
2 ScientificLiteracy Scientific Literacy Level 1: +2 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 2: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 3: +3 ScienceSmall on terrain with anomaly.
3 DeadlyAnatomy Deadly Anatomy Level 1: +15 attackAttackIcon on hero.
Level 2: +20 attackAttackIcon on hero.
Level 3: +20% attackAttackIcon on hero.
4 PersuasiveMethods Persuasive Methods Level 1: -50% expansion disapproval received on city.
Level 2: -50% expansion disapproval received on city.
5 Firestarter Firestarter Level 1: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% ScienceSmall on city.

Roving Clans[]

Bazi Safar Bahas
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Bazi Safar Bahas AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative3SmallAbilityDustBoost1SmallSpying3

Bela The Bat Syrav
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Bela The Bat Syrav AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityDustEfficiency1SmallSpying3

Illegra Mordicant
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Illegra Mordicant AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative1SmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallSpying3

Jasah Murdap
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 74 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Jasah Murdap AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityDustEfficiency3SmallAbilityFoodBoost1SmallSpying3

Master Neqra Zeban
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 56 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 44
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Master Neqra Zeban AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralInitiative2SmallAbilityDustBoost1SmallSpying3

Siryi Alastra
Faction: RovingClansIcon Roving Clans
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Siryi Alastra AbilityRangedSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityDustEfficiency2SmallSpying3

Roving Clans Skill Tree[]


Roving Clans skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 TravelingSalesman Traveling Salesman Level 1: +2 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 2: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
Level 3: +3 DustSmall on terrain with anomaly.
2 FeetontheStreet Feet on the Street Level 1: +100% Ownership recovery rate on city.
Level 2: +50% Ownership recovery rate on city. x0 Expansion disapproval on city
2 SafePassage Safe Passage Level 1: +25% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
Level 2: +25% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
Level 3: +50% trade route bonus on city trade routes.
3 FastTrader Fast Trader Level 1: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 2: +1 DustSmall per trade route. +50% DustSmall on city trade routes.
Level 3: +2 DustSmall per trade route. +100% DustSmall on city trade routes.
4 GameTheory Game Theory Level 1: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
Level 2: +12% Unit IndustrySmall cost reduction on city.
5 BlackMarketeer Black Marketeer Level 1: Allows the city to create trade routes with empires in cold war or war. City


Archivist Jiraduveja
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 182 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 16
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Archivist Jiraduveja AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost1SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost2SmallSpying2

Archivist Nachampassesa
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 182 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 16
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Archivist Nachampassesa AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth3SmallAbilityFoodBoost1SmallSpying2

Lorekeeper Lakaspassar
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 200 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 8 DamageIcon Damage 12
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Lorekeeper Lakaspassar AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost1SmallSpying2

Lorekeeper Masargaka
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 164 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 20
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Lorekeeper Masargaka AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityFoodEfficiency1SmallSpying2

Loremaster Jayawardene
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 200 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 8 DamageIcon Damage 12
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Loremaster Jayawardene AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityFoodBoost1SmallSpying2

Loremaster Semsanitnwona
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 146 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 12
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Loremaster Semsanitnwona AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityInfluenceBoost3SmallAbilityFoodBoost2SmallSpying2

Researcher Namkang
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 146 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 12
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Researcher Namkang AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost1SmallAbilityFoodBoost3SmallSpying2

Archivist Mukangung
Faction: DrakkenIcon Drakken
Hero Type: Support Support
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 443 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 176 DefenseIcon Defense 106
InitiativeIcon Initiative 82 DamageIcon Damage 86
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 5
Archivist Mukangung AbilityRangedSmallFastLearner1SmallAbilityHealSmallFast1AbilityLastStandSmallAbilitySlowDownSmallAbilityImprovedVision2SmallAbilitySharpSense3SmallAbilityGeneralHealth3SmallSpying2Unsellable

Drakken Skill Tree[]


Drakken skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 IrrigationExpert Irrigation Expert Level 1: +1 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
Level 2: +2 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
Level 3: +2 FoodSmall on terrain with river.
2 (3 with ELCP) RaptorsEye Raptor's Eye Level 1: +1 Vision SightIcon on flying unit. Army
3 NarrativeMaster Narrative Master Level 1: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 2: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
Level 3: +2 InfluenceIcon on city center. +2 InfluenceIcon on district.
4 (2 with ELCP) FriendlyBanner Friendly Banner Level 1: Prevents the army from being attacked by roaming armies. Army
5 CulturalAmbassador Cultural Ambassador Level 1: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +1 FoodSmall per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 2: +10 ApprovalSmall on city. With ELCP: +0.3 InfluenceIcon per Approval ApprovalSmall above 100 on terrain with Village.
Level 3: +10 ApprovalSmall on city.
5 Battlesaur Battlesaur Level 1: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Life LifeIcon on units.

If you play with ELCP there is some changes:

  • "Friendly Banner" is available earlier on Level 2 (when it is actually useful).
  • "Raptors Eye" moved to Level 3 and connects to "Narrative Master" and "Defender" in order to provide a better path towards "Inspirational Leader".
  • "Cultural Ambassador" directly connects to "Narrative Master", "Cold Operator" and "Battlesaur", offering alternative skill paths for generals and governors.


Andom the Seer
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 146 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 16 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Andom the Seer AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost2SmallSpying2

Edra the Listener
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 46 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Edra the Listener AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallAbilityGeneralDefense1SmallSpying2

Exid the Chosen
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Exid the Chosen AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense2SmallAbilityIndustryEfficiency2SmallSpying2

Ozek the Chosen
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Ozek the Chosen AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost3SmallSpying2

Tinu the Chosen
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 110 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 46 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 40
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Tinu the Chosen AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost1SmallSpying2

Urol the Speaker
Faction: CultistsIcon Cultists
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 146 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 12 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Urol the Speaker AbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralDefense1SmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallSpying2

Cultists Skill Tree[]


Cultist skill tree.

Level Icon Name Effect Assignment
1 ImpassionedPreacher Impassioned Preacher Level 1: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 2: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
Level 3: +1 FoodSmall per population in city. +1 IndustrySmall per population in city. +1 DustSmall per population in city. +1 ScienceSmall per population in city. +1 InfluenceIcon per population in city.
2 WillofKilginka Will of Cilginka Level 1: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Attack AttackIcon on units.
2 WillofAkili Will of Akili Level 1: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% ScienceSmall on city.
3 WillofIsiver Will of Isiver Level 1: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 2: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
Level 3: +10% Defense DefenseIcon on units.
4 Proselytizer Proselytizer Level 1: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 2: +15% InfluenceIcon on city.
Level 3: +20% InfluenceIcon on city.
5 ToolsoftheEnemy Tools of the Enemy Level 1: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 2: +15% DustSmall on city.
Level 3: +15% DustSmall on city.


Consecrate Mawusi Boakye
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 134 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 30 DefenseIcon Defense 36
InitiativeIcon Initiative 14 DamageIcon Damage 38
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Consecrate Mawusi Boakye AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityDustBoost2SmallAbilityInfluenceBoost2SmallAbilitySpying4

Efalo Tegret
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 104 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 36 DefenseIcon Defense 26
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Efalo Tegret AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical3SmallAbilitySpying4

Sable Blade Ayou Addo
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 122 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 32 DefenseIcon Defense 30
InitiativeIcon Initiative 14 DamageIcon Damage 38
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Sable Blade Ayou Addo AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralCritical2SmallAbilityGeneralInitiative2SmallAbilitySpying4

Sable Deceiver Napog Dauda
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 104 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 38 DefenseIcon Defense 34
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 38
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Sable Deceiver Napog Dauda AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityDustEfficiency2SmallAbilityGeneralAttack2SmallAbilitySpying4

Skya Keeper Dabuo Ofosu
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 134 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 30 DefenseIcon Defense 40
InitiativeIcon Initiative 14 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Skya Keeper Dabuo Ofosu AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityDustEfficiency2SmallAbilityDustBoost2SmallAbilitySpying4

Third Builder Gula Yawa
Faction: ForgottenIcon Forgotten
Hero Type: Infantry Infantry
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 112 SpeedIcon Speed 4
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 32
InitiativeIcon Initiative 14 DamageIcon Damage 46
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Third Builder Gula Yawa AbilityStealthDualWieldAbilityLastStandSmall