Endless Legend Wiki

Army Actions are the means by which your armies are able to interact with the world. There are many different actions an army can take, many of which are only available in a specific context, and there are others that are only available to a given faction or unit.

It should also be noted that there are a number of actions that require the use of Action Points ActionPoint. All units have 1 Action Point ActionPoint that they are able to spend each turn, and in order for an army to perform an action that requires spending an Action Point, all units within that army must have not spent their Action Point, or otherwise be removed from the army. The most common use for an Action Point is to perform the Attack action, initiating Battle with another targeted army. Additionally, retreating - escaping a battle another army initiated at the cost of 50% of your army's total Life LifeIcon - will consume an Action Point as well.

Standard Actions[]

These actions are always visible in the list of Actions that an army can perform, though it might not always be possible to perform them; for example, the Attack action is always visible, even if there is nothing for the army to attack.

Name Icon Description
Attack ActionAttackLarge Attack a target. If the target is a Minor Faction village it will be pacified, but will not bring other bonuses until it is rebuilt. Costs 1 ActionPoint.
Auto Explore ActionAutoExploreLarge Explore unknown territory with this army. Armies set to do this will also explore ruins and collect pearls, but tend not to function properly if most of the map has already been revealed.
Sleep ActionSleepLarge Order an army to remain idle (after completion of planned movement if any).
Transfer ActionTransferLarge Transfers selected unit(s) to a nearby army, or creates a new army on an empty tile. Selected units must have some Movement SpeedIcon left, and the army or tile must be accessible; non-flying units cannot be transferred to the top of a cliff. You can select multiple units in an army by holding Ctrl.
Garrison ActionGarrisonLarge Transfers selected unit(s) to the garrison of a nearby location. Selected units must have some Movement SpeedIcon left. This can be done from a City or Exploitation Tile. Units cannot be placed into a garrison that is already full or if the Сity is under siege. A unit placed in a garrison can't leave the garrison this turn (become a new army or part of a new army). Units leaving the garrison appear on the City Center Tile.

Contextual Actions[]

These actions are available for any army to perform, regardless of the units it contains or what faction controls it, but only appear on the list of actions under certain conditions, usually the army being adjacent to a related Point of Interest, and some are only available after unlocking a specific Technology.

Name Icon Prerequisite(s) Description
Detach Leader ActionDetatchLeaderLarge Army must have a Hero leading it. Detach your Hero from the rest of the army and create a new one. As with Transfer, Hero in question must have some Movement SpeedIcon left, and cannot be transferred onto tiles they cannot access.
Search ActionSearchLarge Must be next to a ruin. Search for clues at this location. This can reveal treasure, enemies, a quest, or nothing at all. When performed by a Hero, this action provides a base value of 8 XP.
Dive ActionDiveLarge Must be above a Sunken Ruin. Search for clues at this location. This will consume your remaining movement points and can reveal treasure, enemies, a quest, or nothing at all. When performed by a Hero, this action provides a base value of 12 XP.
Parley ActionParleyLarge Must have Language Square Technology and be next to a Minor Faction village. Initiate negotiations with a Minor Faction village. If you fulfill their demands, all of their villages in the region will be pacified peacefully. When performed with a Hero, this action provides a base value of 4 XP.
Bribe ActionBribeLarge Must have Language Square Technology and be next to a Minor Faction village. Bribe the Minor Faction village. It will be pacified immediately, but at the cost of Dust DustSmall, with the cost increasing based on the number of Units garrisoned in the village and their level. When performed with a Hero, this action provides a base value of 4 XP.
Privateers ActionPrivateersLarge Must have the Mercenary Corps or Freelance Guards Technology. Enables the Privateers mode for this army, which can only be done in a region you control. Privateer armies have an increased Upkeep, cannot perform the Search, Parley, or Bribe actions, and cannot capture cities. Privateer armies can't capture cities, any city they defeat will be razed.
Pillage ActionPillageLarge Must have Pillage Technology. Ransack a regional building. Its effects will be temporarily disabled after its Fortification FortificationSmall value drops to 0. The loot depends on the nature of the building. When performed by a Hero, this action provides a base value of 8 XP.
Siege ActionSiegeLarge Must be next to a City controlled by an Empire you are at War with. Start a Siege around the city with the following consequences for the besieged city: The exploitation area and the regional buildings outside the city walls are no longer exploited. Science and Dust produced by the city are divided by 2. Each turn, the city loses Fortification points FortificationSmall equal to the Fortification Damage FortificationDamage of the besieger. Once the Fortification FortificationSmall is equal to 0, units within the city garrison OR on a city tile lose health each turn in proportion to the Fortification Damage FortificationDamage.
Units from outside the City can't move onto the City Tile and can't be garrisoned from Exploitation Tile. Units leaving the garrison appear on the City Center Tile and can move only on City Tiles, however, they cannot move to Exploitation Tiles - only attack the besiegers. A Hero assigned to a City as governor can't be unassigned.
Dismantle Volcanoformer ActionDismantleVolcanoformerLarge Must be next to active Volcanoforming Device. Dismantle Volcanoformation machine. The dismantling will occur gradually, and the machine will be destroyed once its charges reaches zero. When performed by a Hero, this action provides a base value of 8 XP.
Fungal Bloom Disposal ActionFungalBloomDisposalLarge Must be next to Fungal Bloom. Dispose a Fungal Bloom. It will steadily lose health and then be destroyed.
Tame Urkan ActionTameUrkanLarge Must be next to an Urkan and have the required Luxury Resources. Offer Luxuries to the mighty Urkan in order to tame it and bring it under your control.

Faction-Specific Actions[]

These actions can only be performed by armies belonging to a given faction, regardless of the units within said army.

Name Icon Faction Description
Soul Burn ActionSoulBurnLarge BrokenLordsIcon Broken Lords Energize the selected units until next turn. They will gain bonus Attack AttackIcon, but take damage each combat round. Can only be used by Stalwarts, Ryders, Dust Bishops, and Broken Lords Heroes owned by a Broken Lords Empire. Only available during a Dust Eclipse.
Teleport ActionVaultersTeleportLarge VaultersIcon Vaulters Teleport your army to another city when you have designated and collected your Holy Resource. Army to be teleported must have some Movement SpeedIcon left, and must be on a City Tile.
Enhanced Teleport ActionEnhancedTeleportLarge VaultersIcon Vaulters Teleport your army to a City or another army with a Hero when you have designated and collected your Holy Resource. Army must have some Movement SpeedIcon left, must be on a City Tile, and if teleporting to a Hero, there must be room in the army to receive all teleporting units as though they were merging. Only available during a Dust Eclipse.
Conversion ActionConversionLarge CultistsIcon Cultists Convert a pacified village but at a cost of Influence InfluenceIcon. Destroyed villages have a higher cost. When performed with a Hero, this action provides a base value of 6 XP. Can only be done by an army with a Preacher, Fanatic, Nameless Guard, or Cultists Hero.
Cat's Paw ActionCatsPawLarge MorgawrSmall Morgawr Maintain mind control on the selected roaming army in exchange for increased upkeep. Costs some Influence InfluenceIcon to perform.
Volcanoform ActionVolcanoformarge KapakuIcon Kapaku Place a Volcanoforming Device to transform an area into Volcanic Terrain.
Fast Travel ActionFastTravelLarge MykaraSmall Mykara Fast travel to another overgrown temple or ruin. Must have at least two overgrown ruins. Costs the rest of the army's Movement SpeedIcon and 1 ActionPoint.

Unit-Specific Actions[]

These actions can only be performed by specific units or types of units, regardless of the faction controlling them.

Name Icon Unit(s) Description
Colonization ActionColonizationLarge Settler Found a new City in this region.
Heal ActionBrokenLordsHealLarge Broken Lords Units & Heroes Heals the Unit to maximum at a cost of some Dust DustSmall and 1 ActionPoint.
Resettle ActionResettleLarge Setseke Move your City to this new location.
Aspirate ActionAspirateLarge Skyfin The Unit automatically aspirates resources when located on Resource Deposit (depending on its level and the game speed), gaining 3 XP, providing an Approval ApprovalSmall to the region's City and sharing the Unit's vision with the region's owner.
Coastal Bombardment ActionCoastalBombardmentLarge Artillery Ship Start a Coastal Bombardment on the enemy city. Each turn, the city loses Fortification points FortificationSmall equal to the Fortification Damage FortificationDamage of the besieger. Launching a Coastal Bombardment requires being at war with the target, and does not cause a Siege on the city.
Portable Forge ActionPortableForgeLarge Kapaku Heroes Allows you to retrofit the army units and re-equip the Hero on neutral and enemy territories at the cost of all your movement, for 1 turn TurnSmall. Must have Level 2 of the Reclamation Genius skill.
Heal ActionSkorosHealLarge Skoros You can restore 100% of the Health LifeIcon of the Units in the armies near this Guardian.
Ward ActionWardLarge Fotios You can reveal the terrain around the initial position of this army for one turn (radius of 10 tiles).
Fortify ActionFortifyLarge Gios You can boost the Fortification value FortificationSmall of this city (for a number of turns depending on the game speed).
Flood ActionFloodLarge Neros You can destroy Watchtowers and Resource Extractors in an area of 1 tile around this army.
Teleport ActionAtmosTeleportLarge Atmos You can teleport this army to another visible tile in a range of 10 tiles.
Uproot Urkan ActionUprootUrkanLarge Urkans Makes the Urkan leave its burrow and walk Auriga as an army.
Resettle Urkan ActionResettleUrkanLarge Urkans Command the Urkan to dig into its current position, and occupy the region.
Migrate Urkan ActionMigrateUrkanLarge Urkans Allows you to choose a new neutral region to settle your Urkan. Costs 1 ActionPoint and has a cooldown of 4 TurnSmall.
Release Urkan ActionReleaseUrkanLarge Urkans Set the Urkan free from your control.
Tremor Siege ActionTremorSiegeLarge Urkans Send tremors through the ground to deal damage to the City in this region. Requires the Coordinated Tremors Urkan Training.