Endless Legend Wiki
Arcane Armor
Arcane Armor
Faction FactionIconSmall All
Obtained QuestIcon Side Quest
Category ScienceandIndustry Science and Industry
Type Item Item
Focus Armor Armor
Unlocks Tier 3 Armors made of Mithrite Mithrite Color 256x256 or Hyperium Hyperium Color 256x256.
Unlocks Tier 3 Accessories made of Mithrite Mithrite Color 256x256 or Hyperium Hyperium Color 256x256.
-10% on Mithrite Mithrite Color 256x256 or Hyperium Hyperium Color 256x256 initial item costs.

An Era VI technology that unlocks Tier 3 Armor and Accessories made from Mithrite Mithrite Color 256x256 or Hyperium Hyperium Color 256x256, and reduces the Mithrite Mithrite Color 256x256 or Hyperium Hyperium Color 256x256 cost of items by 10%.


Item Type IndustrySmall StrategicIcon +AttackIcon +DefenseIcon +InitiativeIcon +DamageIcon +LifeIcon Lore
ItemHeadStrategic5Tier3Large Helm 110 8 Mithrite Color 256x256 40% 46 Head armor of legendary quality, forged from Mithrite.
ItemTorsoStrategic5Tier3Large Cuirass 220 15 Mithrite Color 256x256 12 22 100 Torso armor of legendary quality, forged from Mithrite.
ItemLegsStrategic5Tier3Large Greaves 110 8 Mithrite Color 256x256 27 27+40% Leg armor of legendary quality, forged from Mithrite.
ItemHeadStrategic6Tier3Large Helm 110 8 Hyperium Color 256x256 46+40% Head armor of legendary quality, forged from Hyperium.
ItemTorsoStrategic6Tier3Large Cuirass 220 15 Hyperium Color 256x256 26 1 116 Torso armor of legendary quality, forged from Hyperium.
ItemLegsStrategic6Tier3Large Greaves 110 8 Hyperium Color 256x256 40% 27 27 Leg armor of legendary quality, forged from Hyperium.


Item Name Type IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Effects Capacities Lore
ItemRingStrategic5Tier3Large Ring 110 48 Mithrite Color 256x256 AbilityCityGuard3Small A ring of legendary quality, crafted from Mithrite.
ItemTalismanStrategic5Tier3Large Talisman 110 48 Mithrite Color 256x256 AbilityShock3Small A talisman of legendary quality, crafted from Mithrite.
ItemTomeStrategic5Tier3Large Tome 0 96 Mithrite Color 256x256 +8 ApprovalSmall per unit on city
Heroes only
A tome of legendary quality, bound with Mithrite.
ItemInsigniaStrategic5Tier3Large Insignia 0 96 Mithrite Color 256x256 Heroes only AbilityGeneralDefense3Small An insignia of legendary quality, woven with Mithrite.
ItemBraceletStrategic5Tier3Large Armband of Ailments Bracelet 110 48 Mithrite Color 256x256 AbilityDiseaseImmunitySmall
The strange emanations from this object cause sickness in enemies exposed to it.
ItemRingStrategic6Tier3Large Ring 110 48 Hyperium Color 256x256 AbilityUnstoppableSmall A ring of legendary quality, crafted from Hyperium.
ItemTalismanStrategic6Tier3Large Talisman 110 48 Hyperium Color 256x256 AbilityForestResonance3Small A talisman of legendary quality, crafted from Hyperium.
ItemTomeStrategic6Tier3Large Tome 0 96 Hyperium Color 256x256 +8 InfluenceIcon per hero's level on city
Heroes only
A tome of legendary quality, bound with Hyperium.
ItemInsigniaStrategic6Tier3Large Insignia 0 96 Hyperium Color 256x256 Heroes only AbilityGeneralAttack3Small An insignia of legendary quality, woven with Hyperium.
ItemBraceletStrategic6Tier3Large Bands of Weakness Bracelet 110 48 Hyperium Color 256x256 AbilityLifeDrain3Small These potent bracelets drain life energy from enemies and transfer it to the wearer.

Naval Equipment[]

Item Type IndustrySmall StrategicIcon Effects Capacities Lore
ItemPlatingRareLarge Plating 140 7 Mithrite Color 256x256
4 Hyperium Color 256x256
+126 LifeIcon
+60 DefenseIcon
This robust hull plating of mithrite and hyperium greatly increases the life of a ship. Legendary quality.
ItemHydrofoilsRareLarge Hydrofoils 130 4 Mithrite Color 256x256
7 Hyperium Color 256x256
+34 InitiativeIcon AbilityImprovedMovement3Small These hydrofoils forged of mithrite and hyperium make an enormous improvement in ship speed. Legendary quality.
ItemProwRareLarge Prow 100 3 Mithrite Color 256x256
3 Hyperium Color 256x256
+58 LifeIcon
+70 DefenseIcon
This exceptional prow forged from mithrite and hyperium increases the armor and life of a ship. Legendary quality.
ItemEngineerRareLarge Engineer 50 3 Hyperium Color 256x256 AbilityForcefieldSmall Projecting a magical barrier around friendly troops, this amazing mechanical servant causes initial attacks to fail miserably.
ItemOrdinatorRareLarge Ordinator 50 3 Mithrite Color 256x256 AbilitySuperChargeSmall A marvel of engineering, this mithrite mechanical servant has a great affinity for lightning and exploits is powerful energies during battles.


Attaining the highest standards of crafting and production, armors made from Mithrite and Hyperium are truly fit for kings and emperors.
