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Endless Legend Wiki
Arcana of Matter
Arcana of Matter
Faction ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Obtained ResearchIcon Starting Technology
Category EmpireandExpansionSmall Empire and Expansion
Type Improvement City Improvement
Focus ArdentMagesIcon Arcana
+1 Pillar of Knowledge on Empire
+1 Incantation of Defense on Empire

An Era I technology exclusive to the Ardent Mages which unlocks two Arcana: The Pillar of Knowledge and the Incantation of Defense. Unlike most other starting technologies, Arcana of Matter can only be obtained by having it as a starting technology, and cannot be researched in-game.


Through crude pain experiments, Mages and Artificers blend their first insights into Dust, enabling the construction of pillars that boost science nearby, and spells that increase unit defense.
