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Endless Legend Wiki
Arcana of Materializing
Arcana of Materializing
Faction ArdentMagesIcon Ardent Mages
Obtained ResearchIcon Research Era III
Category EmpireandExpansionSmall Empire and Expansion
Type Improvement City Improvement
Focus ArdentMagesIcon Arcana
+1 Pillar of Extraction on Empire
+1 Incantation of Deluge on Empire

An Era III technology exclusive to the Ardent Mages which unlocks two Arcana: The Pillar of Extraction and the Incantation of Deluge.


Most of the Dust that finds its way into the hands - and bodies - of the races of Auriga is but a mere drop in an ocean. Through extreme pain rituals, Ardent Mages can begin to unlock more of these vast untapped resources.
