Endless Legend Wiki

To survive the horrors of the Dust Wars, the Allayi scattered themselves to the cold places of Auriga. Now that the Guardians have awakened they are coming together, hoping to save Auriga and rebuild the life they once had. To sustain and extend their cities, the Allayi must use the Auriga Pearls Pearls, a resource that only spawns on the map in winter. Thankfully, they can also perfectly predict winters. They automatically adapt their abilities and appearance when winter arrives.


When the Endless first came to Auriga they did not find an empty planet, but one teeming with life - some of it intelligent.

The Guardians, caretakers of the planet, were one sentient species; another were their helpers and comrades, the Allayi.

The Allayi were broken and scattered by the Endless, and for centuries they have survived on the fringes of existence. Handing their traditions and stories down in the form of a religious text, the Epistles, and a book of prayer, the Euchologion, they have been waiting in the snows and the shadows until Auriga once again needs them. And it seems that this time has come...

The Allayi are a people so closely aligned to Auriga that their very nature changes as the Dark Seasons occur. While they are friendly and defensive in summer, when the harsh winters arrive they become aggressive and dangerous, reflecting the madness of the planet. They are tied so closely to Auriga's fate that even their bodies alter to match the evolution of these extreme seasons.

Growing strong once again the Allayi have returned, prepared to defend and preserve Mother Auriga with all their grim strength.

Faction Specialties[]

Name Type Effect Lore
Shifting Affinity Allows to adopt a Light or Dark form Deeply connected to the moods of Auriga, the faction undergoes changes to its abilities as the seasons change.
Call of Auriga Dust Eclipse Effect +2 SpeedIcon on units during Dust Eclipse
+1 Action points during Dust Eclipse
Responding to Auriga's apparent distress, the Allayi are moved to great feats of endurance during Dust Eclipses.
Battlefield Symbiosis Trait +15% Initiative InitiativeIcon per Morale Morale on units Uneasy with other peoples, the faction feels most confident and courageous when surrounded by their own.
Breath of Auriga Trait -100% margin of error for season predictability on empire In harmony with the planet, the faction knows precisely whern the next Dark Season will occur.
Mercurial Diplomats Trait -25% Influence InfluenceIcon cost of Diplomatic Declaration on empire during Winter
-25% Influence InfluenceIcon cost of Diplomatic Treaty on empire during Summer
The faction cannot help that their psychology, moods, and actions are strongly affected by the extreme seasons of Auriga.
Pearl Sensitive Trait Displays Pearl Cluster Pearls locations on explored tiles
Pearls Pearls received on ruin search
The faction's attunment to Auriga permits them to see the location of her Pearls, wherever they may be.
We Chosen Few Trait +150% expansion disapproval generation on cities
+100% Ownership Recovery rate on Cities
+100% growth required FoodSmall per population population on empire
A close-knit and insular faction, they have few offspring and prefer to keep them close to home.
Luxury Alchemists Technology available to unlock Makes available the Faction-specific technology Luxury Alchemists
Garth of the Allayi Blessing Unlocked Allows construction of Garth of the Allayi in cities
Shipyard Technology Unlocked Unlocks the Shipyard Technology
Skyfin Technology Unlocked Unlocks the Skyfin Technology


A primary feature of the Allayi is that all of their units posses the Shifting Nature capacity, which enables them to take on a Light and Dark form. In Light form, units gain a boost to Defense and Health Regen, while in Dark form they gain a boost to Attack and Movement. Each unit - including heroes - also has a unique capacity that has a similar effect; focus on defense in Light form, and offense in Dark form.

Whether an Allayi unit is in Light or Dark form is largely decided by the seasons; normally they are in Light form in summer, and Dark in winter. However, it is possible to temporarily override this by spending a small amount of Pearls after unlocking the Shapeshifters blessing.

Unique Technologies[]

Luxury Alchemists
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era II
Category: EconomyandPopulationSmall Economy and Population
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: Exploitation Exploitation
Luxury Alchemists Wise and experienced in the resources and resonances of Auriga, skilled sages can cause magical effects to replicate and extend their duration.


+20% TurnSmall when activating a Luxury Booster for each other active Luxury Booster

Pilgrims of the End
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: QuestIcon Faction Quest
Category: EmpireandExpansionSmall Empire and Expansion
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: InfluenceIcon Influence
Pilgrims of the End As the collection of Auriga's Pearls increases, so does the power and prestige of the faction.


+3 Influence InfluenceIcon per collected pearl cluster on empire

Pearl Replication
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: QuestIcon Faction Quest
Category: ScienceandIndustry Science and Industry
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: MilitaryIcon Military
Pearl Replication Experience and strength, combined with a deep knowledge of the ways of Auriga and the magics of the Pearls, allows the faction to ignore the effects of the Dark Season.


Immunity to winter penalties

Unique Blessings[]

Since Blessings are very similar to technology but acquired through different means, and the Allayi are the only faction with unique blessings, they have been listed here as well.

Garth of the Allayi (Blessing)
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: FactionIconSmall Faction Trait
Type: Expansion Expansion
Focus: District District
Garth of the Allayi (Blessing) This garth, or sacred garden, is a center of work, study, and devotion, as well as a focal point for the power of the Pearls and the magics of Auriga.

Unlocks for Construction:
Garth of the Allayi
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: FactionIconSmall Faction Trait
Type: Expansion Expansion
Focus: District District

10 Pearls

Garth of the Allayi This garth, or sacred garden, is a center of work, study, and devotion, as well as a focal point for the power of the Pearls and the magics of Auriga


-5 ApprovalSmall on city tile
+2 FoodSmall on city tile
+2 IndustrySmall on city tile
+2 DustSmall on city tile
+2 ScienceSmall on city tile
+2 InfluenceIcon on city tile
+4 DustSmall per extra level on city tile
+4 ScienceSmall per extra level on city tile
+4 InfluenceIcon per extra level on city tile
+20 fortification FortificationSmall per extra level on city
+15 ApprovalSmall per extra level on city tile
Can be used as resource extractor
Available every population from city population

Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: Winter 2nd Winter
Type: MilitaryIcon Army Action
Focus: ShiftingSmall Shifting
Shapeshifters While the different forms of the faction are generally tied to the seasons of Auriga, enough of the power from the Pearls can force this change at any time.


Can spend Pearls Pearls to change form for the current turn

Blessings of the Mother
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: QuestIcon Faction Quest
Type: FactionIconSmall Empire
Focus: Pearls Pearls
Blessings of the Mother Blessed by one's closeness with and devotion to Auriga, the need for Pearls for great magics is reduced.


-20% Blessing Pearl cost Pearls on Empire

Military Units[]

Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: Starting Unit
Unit Type: Cavalry Cavalry
Costs: 80 IndustrySmall
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 18 DefenseIcon Defense 35
InitiativeIcon Initiative 24 DamageIcon Damage 22
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 3
Seeker Like cavalry, the Seeker strikes rapidly from a distance with a powerful charge. In Summer the charge has a greater attack; in Winter it removes the enemy's defense.
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era I
Unit Type: Support Support
Costs: 250 IndustrySmall
20 Pearls (15 Pearls with ELCP)
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 236 SpeedIcon Speed 8
AttackIcon Attack 18 DefenseIcon Defense 46
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 18
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Skyfin Arguably the most revered and majestic being on Auriga, the Skyfin's presence improves friendly morale in Summer and decreases enemy morale in Winter.
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Obtained: ResearchIcon Era II
Unit Type: Flying Flying
Costs: 90 IndustrySmall
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 108 SpeedIcon Speed 6
AttackIcon Attack 28 DefenseIcon Defense 54
InitiativeIcon Initiative 22 DamageIcon Damage 34
Ranged Range 1 SightIcon Sight 4
Monk Powerful and hard-striking, the Monk unit's skill with its long blade results in powerful counters in Summer and powerful attacks in Winter.


Note: Base Attributes reflect the unit's attributes before bonuses from equipment or capacities.

All Allayi heroes are able to wield Longbows, Crossbows, and Shields as weapons.

Breyos Master Icespear
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 86 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 30
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 26
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Breyos Master Icespear AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityScienceBoost1SmallAbilityExpansionSupport1SmallSpying2
Eayos Sniffer Redpoint
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 20 DamageIcon Damage 32
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Eayos Sniffer Redpoint AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth2SmallAbilityFoodBoost2SmallSpying2
Rabos Rockstriker Highridge
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 92 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 42 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 22 DamageIcon Damage 32
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Rabos Rockstriker Highridge AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityArmyBoost2SmallSpying2
Samos Leaper Greenblade
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 98 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Samos Leaper Greenblade AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallArmyVisionRangeBoost1SmallAbilityGeneralInitiative2SmallSpying2
Xoyos Brightslash
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 98 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 40 DefenseIcon Defense 28
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 30
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Xoyos Brightslash AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityGeneralHealth1SmallAbilityFoodBoost1SmallSpying2
Ystros Watcher Firespike
Faction: AllayiIcon Allayi
Hero Type: Ranged Ranged
Base Attributes:
LifeIcon Life 86 SpeedIcon Speed 5
AttackIcon Attack 34 DefenseIcon Defense 30
InitiativeIcon Initiative 18 DamageIcon Damage 26
Ranged Range 3 SightIcon Sight 3
Ystros Watcher Firespike AbilityRangedSmallShifterNatureSmallAbilityShiftingNovaSmallAbilityAurigaAffinity1SmallAbilityLastStandSmallAbilityExpansionSupport2SmallSpying2

Faction Quest[]

After centuries in hiding, it is time to rebuild the Allayi civilization. You must preserve your world and your goddess, Mother Auriga, and unlock the mystery of Her enigmatic Pearls that burst forth in the Dark Season. The destinies of your nation and your planet are intertwined; let us hope that you can save them both...

1. The Pearls of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters1 Description
"...When Auriga brings forth her fruit in winter it will be a sign that once again our time has come..."

The Epistle, page 4

So the burden, and the glory, fall to me.

We have taken the return of the Guardians as a signal; from the forests and the mountains we come together to rebuild our culture. In my hands sits the waxed and oiled leather pouch, black with age, that contains the Epistle of Vros Grayspire and the Euchologion, the ways of prayer.

Through all the Silent Years we have guarded these scrolls, handing them down from father to son, waiting for the moment when we could once again serve our role as sentinels of Mother Auriga. We are together except for the flying Skyfin, a symbol of our power and freedom. With its strength we can reclaim our place by her side.

These Pearls, the 'winter fruit' of the Epistle, signal our resurgence. We will harvest them, and use them to build an altar to Auriga. As we do Her bidding, we will grow our own strength.

Summary New Objective Outcome
Your people are converging after centuries in the wilderness. You lack only the Skyfin, a powerful ally and totem of your people. With its help, and the potent Pearls Pearls, you hope to save Mother Auriga from disaster. 1. Search the indicated ruins to regain control over the Skyfin unit flying in the region.

2. Build the Altar of Auriga. You will need to gather enough Pearls Pearls by searching Ruins, or by collecting them when the Dark Season brings them to the surface.

We are ready to step out and make our place in this world; we shall be the guardians, protectors, and champions of Mother Auriga.
Reward 1. Allayi Army: 1 Skyfin Unit, Low Orb Droplist picks 1

2. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

2. Bounty of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters2 Description
"...And when She beheld the Light and the Veil, Auriga brought us forth, the Chosen, who lived within both worlds and changed between them, and She called us the Allayi ..."

Now that our altar has been founded, and our faith renewed, we shall begin to impose the will of Auriga. Though our cause is just and we are Her Chosen we will still remain humble; there is much to learn -- and with knowledge comes strength.

Strength and knowledge will both be necessary if we are to defeat the tools and lackeys of the Profaners and save Mother Auriga. We do not fear conflict rather we will revel in the test of our faith. And those who dare to challenge us will understand why the wolves live in fear of the shepherds.

Summary New Objective Outcome
Auriga needs us; we must grow in power and wealth so that we can do what She requires of us. Faith alone is not enough; we must believe in our cause but also have the power to impose our will. 1. Reach a Fervent level of Approval ApprovalSmall across empire.

2. Produce X Influence InfluenceIcon in one of your cities for X turns.

Other nations respect our cause and begin the see the truth in our wealth and strength. May the salvation of Auriga begin...
Reward 1. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

2. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

3. The Rise of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters3 Description
"...for all gifts from Auriga are precious things, and would not be offered if they were not of importance for the Chosen ..."

It has been generations since the Allayi have come together. When the Guardians were felled we fled; the weapons of the Profaners were too terrible, and their war ghouls the worst. But as all things evil they too have passed - though the damage they did was horrific. Now Auriga seeks us out to heal and protect her. Some whisper that she is dying, that the longer Dark Seasons are a sign of her end. Of The End. But I say that the Pearls, and the offerings we give to her, will help us both.

To advance we must build; the city itself shall become an altar to Her glory. And my people will become Her loyal troops.

Summary New Objective Outcome
We had been lost and drifting for generations. Now that we are together we will show our strength; we shall make Her altar a beacon of wealth and wisdom. Raise the Altar to its level 2, or keep a stock of 100 Pearls for a period of 5 turns. Auriga will be saved, for we now have both the power and the desire to impose our will on those who would destroy Her.
Reward Blessings of the Mother, Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1
4. The Followers of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters4 Description
"... for though we are great, and our hearts true, She cannot be saved by our efforts alone. All beings are both Her children and Her toil; all must rise up to heal Her wounds..."

Let the great and the small sing our praises!

Our hour has begun; from across Auriga the villages and towns of the lesser peoples have begun to heed our call - and feel the force of our purity. They beg us for more information, for our wisdom, for our very presence on their lands. Their awe and devotion is manifested in their practices, for they are saving the precious Pearls bestowed by Auriga so that we may collect them and use them for Her cause.

We shall go out, and preach Her words, and collect these tributes to better worship -- and save -- Mother Auriga.

Summary New Objective Outcome
Word of our faith has begun to spread; some of the lesser peoples of Auriga seem to be willing to follow our path. We must find them, bring them into the glory of Her worship, and reap the benefits of our fidelity. 1. New believers claim that in a region called [Region] a [Minor Faction] village would donate the Pearls Pearls they have collected to our cause. Locate the region and talk to this village.

2. They are awed and delighted by our visit. Their leader has indicated you the ruins where we may find their stock. Search the localized ruins in [Region] to get the treasure.

3. Word spreads of other devotees. A [Minor Faction] tribe in [Region] wants to hear your words. Locate the region and talk to this village.

4. Next, in [Region], they ask only to stand in the presence of the Skyfin to become followers. Talk to the indicated village with a Skyfin unit of at least Level 3 (in Dark form).

As the prophecies of old and the visions of the Epistle come to pass, our might and our fervor grow. Blessed be Mother Auriga!
Reward 1. Low Prestige Droplist picks 1

2. Orb Droplist picks 1

3. Low Prestige Droplist picks 1

4. Orb Droplist picks 1

4. The Followers of Auriga (Alt)
QuestWinterShifters4 Description
"... for though we are great, and our hearts true, She cannot be saved by our efforts alone. All beings are both Her children and Her toil; all must rise up to heal Her wounds..."

Let the great and the small sing our praises!

Our hour has begun; from across Auriga the villages and towns of the lesser peoples have begun to heed our call - and feel the force of our purity. They beg us for more information, for our wisdom, for our very presence on their lands. Their awe and devotion is manifested in their practices, for they are saving the precious Pearls bestowed by Auriga so that we may collect them and use them for Her cause.

We shall go out, and preach Her words, and collect these tributes to better worship -- and save -- Mother Auriga.

Summary New Objective Outcome
Word of our faith has begun to spread; some of the lesser peoples of Auriga seem to be willing to follow our path. We must find them, bring them into the glory of Her worship, and reap the benefits of our fidelity. 1. New believers claim that in a region called [Region] a [Minor Faction] village would donate the Pearls Pearls they have collected to our cause. Locate the region and talk to this village.

2. They are awed and delighted by our visit. Their leader has indicated you the ruins where we may find their stock. Search the localized ruins in [Region] to get the treasure.

3. Word spreads of other devotees. A [Minor Faction] tribe in [Region] wants to hear your words. Locate the region and talk to this village.

4. Heresy rears its ugly head. Some [Minor Faction] renegades have stolen the Pearls Pearls. Find and defeat the army in [Region] in order to settle this affair.

As the prophecies of old and the visions of the Epistle come to pass, our might and our fervor grow. Blessed be Mother Auriga!
Reward 1. Low Prestige Droplist picks 1

2. Orb Droplist picks 1

3. Low Prestige Droplist picks 1

4. Army Loot: 15 Pearls

5. The Profaners of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters5 Description
"...these places exist, and did so long before the Profaners came to defile them. In time of need they will still be places of hope, and power ..."

I believe that we now have the strength to do this. To find the old places where our ancestors and Grayspire lived and prayed. If we can bring our people there, we can reclaim the ancient places that meant so much to us -- and that were such targets of savagery for the Profaners and their war ghouls.

It is possible. It must be possible.

The Epistle says that once before we saved Her, and I will not be remembered as the one who failed when we know that this incredible act, however difficult, is possible.

Summary New Objective Outcome
To undo the ancient damage to Mother Auriga we must find and use our ancient powers to heal her. We must bring the people to the places where our knowledge and our power lay so many years ago. 1. Make sure you have reached X of Population in at least one of your cities.

2. Pilgrims report strange activities in a place called [Region]. Find and search the indicated ruins in this Region with an Army that contains at least 1 Settler unit.

3. A trap! The savage war ghouls of the Profaners have been set loose from their crypt. These Scythers are pitiless and powerful; avoid them for X turns!

What great power and knowledge was hidden here, so important that the Profaners protected it with their bloodthirsty servants?
Reward 1. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

2. Orb Droplist picks 1

3. Army Loot, Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

6. The Blood of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters6 Description
"...a strong will cannot act alone, it must be aided by strong hands and strong hearts... Even if our lifeblood is the cost, we will not give less than Our Mother gives..."

We must be close to a great discovery -- why else would the Nemesis have disturbed our works? As the greatest weapon of the Profaner, it must be blocking our greatest sources of power. We need to destroy it once and for all, and forge ahead.

To remove the threat, to continue, is a challenge we cannot fail. To stop now would be not only to admit our own failure, but to condemn Mother Auriga to a lingering death. So we will build our hands and our hearts; strengthen our cities and our powers.

And then we shall face this Nemesis, in a way and a time of our choosing.

Summary New Objective Outcome
The appearance of the Nemesis army shows that we must be close to our goal of uncovering the secrets of the Profaners. It is still out there somewhere; we must prepare our cities for its unholy aggression. 1. Defend your people! Build at least 1 defensive tower (Tower of Truth or Tower of Fidelity) and the Ward of Auriga in each of your cities.

2. Beware, the Nemesis has spawned again! It's now heading to the city of [City]. You must either avoid it for X turns or defeat it.

3. Fight their power with your power. Obtain a minimum of 8 Blessings in the Altar of Auriga screen.

Our hearts are broken, our minds reel, our highest priest has walked naked into the snows and perished... Can it be that the Pearls are not Auriga's gift, but the last drops of her blood?
Reward 1. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

2. Army Loot, Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

3. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

6. The Fading of Auriga (Alt)
QuestWinterShifters6 Description
"...a strong will cannot act alone, it must be aided by strong hands and strong hearts... if our lifeblood is the cost, we will not give less than Our Mother gives..."

A painful yet brilliant victory - and one that confirms our convictions. We must be close to a great discovery -- why else would the Nemesis have disturbed our works? As the greatest weapon of the Profaner, it must be blocking our greatest sources of power. And where there was one, more may follow...

We must be prepared for this threat if we are to continue; to stop now would be not only to admit our own failure, but to condemn Mother Auriga to a lingering death. So we will build our hands and our hearts; strengthen our cities and our powers.

Should another Nemesis appear, it will meet the same fate.

Summary New Objective Outcome
The appearance of the Nemesis army shows that we must be close to our goal of uncovering the secrets of the Profaners. Though we destroyed it once, their foul factories may create more - we must prepare our cities. 1. Defend your people! Build the Ward of Auriga in each of your cities.

2. Fight their power with your power. Obtain a minimum of 8 Blessings in the Altar of Auriga screen.

Our hearts are broken, our minds reel, our highest priest has walked naked into the snows and perished... Can it be that the Pearls are not Auriga's gift, but the last drops of her blood?
Reward 1. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

2. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

7. The Nemesis of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters7 Description
"...harvest Her Pearls where they rise... these are the gifts of Auriga to the Allayi, the Chosen, who will save Her from eternal winter..."

The Allayi look to me, and I have no answers. In the arcana of the Winter Tree, the Altar itself, it is indicated that the Pearls we so gleefully harvest are not a gift to the Chosen, but the last dying energies of Mother Auriga. In defiance of the wisdom of the Epistle!

Which is correct? Are they ours to take? Others will if we do not, and She does not reabsorb them if they are left to lie. What are these Pearls? Why do we have them?

I can only answer that these things exist, that they help us, and that even the grimmest sacrifice, if accepted with piety and love, is a blessing.

I hope...

I hope, for my soul and for Our Mother, that this theory of mine is right. For in an ancient grotto, a place once holy to the Allayi, we have found a way to defeat the Nemesis -- a weapon that even the magics of the Profaners could not stop. It will take all of our strength to forge it and prepare our troops. May Mother Auriga watch over us...

Summary New Objective Outcome
The damage done by the Profaners is so grave that the Pearls of Auriga appear to be Her last drops of blood, not some blessed gift. We must hurry if we are to help Her; obtaining a weapon that will allow us to destroy the Nemesis is a first step... 1. Enter the indicated ruins in [Region] with a Hero alone. The Hero must be equipped with an Armor set (Head, Torso, Legs) exclusively made of Hyperium pieces.

2. Equip the new item on at least 1 Monk Unit and integrate that Unit into an Army on the map. Then wait until the Nemesis reappears on your territory...

3. The Nemesis is back, within the territories of your empire! For the last time, destroy the Nemesis that is targeting your armies and cities.

Is there hope? Do I even understand the word? The Nemesis is defeated... but, perhaps, we are as well. The Pearls rise; Our Mother bleeds. And we feel helpless and impotent.
Reward 1. Ward of Vros Therman

2. Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

3. Army Loot, Mad Fairies Droplist picks 1

8. The Fate of Auriga
QuestWinterShifters8 Description
I can no longer quote the Epistle. Whatever winter it was, long ages ago, from which Vros Grayspire saved Her, it was not like this Dark Season. I do not have the heart to take up a pen and alter the sacred text, so I put it aside and face the future without it. Without prophecies, without promises, with only the hands and the hearts of the Allayi.

This much, at least, is clear: The Pearls are for us, meant to save us from whatever fate awaits Her. She would save Her children, Her Chosen, from the long winter that comes.

It has happened before -- the Long Sleep, the long Dark Season, and at the end Auriga rises anew. This is the best we can hope for; that we can bring Her to a state where She can sleep the sleep of restoration and flower again.

If we can achieve that, I will have hope for the Allayi and for Mother Auriga. Our role is to accompany, not to save; we must ease her into her rest, not fight to delay it. If we can reign supreme on Auriga, we can see to it that she goes gently into that Long Sleep.

Summary New Objective Outcome
We have little choice but to fight on, preparing ourselves for the Dark Season that lies ahead. If we cannot save Mother Auriga, we can at least survive so that someone will remember Her. 1. Capture 3 cities, even if only temporarily. If there are less than 3 cities remaining, be the last surviving Empire on Auriga. The skies grow dark, the wind bites. We have our altars, our Skyfins, and our people - few but mighty. It will be enough.

It must be enough.

Reward 1. Pearl Replication, Temple of the Earth's Core


